Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Walter Greenway / is giving a talk about Goodwood Estate Duchess cottages on 26th April, at 7.30 p.m. in Crawley Hall. This will be open to Friends, Stewards, Staff and the general public. Coffee and biscuits will be served during the evening at
1985/4Members' Magazine No. 24 / April-May 1985The Prince's Trust / The Museum hosted some 20 young people under a scheme organised by the Prince's Trust. They were introduced to the various activities and jobs undertaken by the staff. West Dean Estate, Goodwood House and Chilsdown Vineyard also took part in the scheme.
Chris Zeuner, Elizabeth Newbery and Gus Pollard from West Sussex Rural Engineering went to a reception in Middleton attended by the Prince of Wales.
1985/4Members' Magazine No. 24 / April-May 1985Sponsored Bicycle Ride / Alan Waters, with four others, will undertake a sponsored bicycle ride from Land's End to John O' Groat's (over 800 miles), organised by the Audax Club. They hope to take 108 hours.
1985/4Members' Magazine No. 24 / April-May 1985Inhabitants for the Pig Sty! / Two piglets (cross between Berkshire and Gloucester Old Spot) have been donated by the Ashdown Forest Farm at Wych Cross. They will inhabit the pig sty in the Toll Cottage garden.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Grants / We are pleased to report that the Victoria & Albert Museum have offered the Museum a grant of
1985/4Members' Magazine No. 24 / April-May 1985Winter Lecture Proramme / A programme of winter lectures is available to Friends and members of the public. Speakers will be Mrs. M Beswick. Peter Reynolds, Kim Leslie, Marjorie Hallam, Martin Caroe and Joan Harding.
1985/4Members' Magazine No. 24 / April-May 1985Portsmouth Heavy Horse Parade / William will draw a log and Bob Robinson will horse the Museum's Sussex Wagon with his two shires at a heavy horse parade organised by the City Of Portsmouth on May Bank Holiday.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985REMINDERS / 3.4.85 Curatorial Group. 1130.
8.4.85 Easter Parade - Regents Park.
12.4.85 Auction.
30.4.85 A.G.M. 1100.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Neil Wilkins / will be working in the Mill on behalf of Robert Demaus for the forthcoming season.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Virginia Lyon / is opening her garden to the public on Sunday 14th April, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in aid of the Museum. The entrance fee is 50p and there will be a bring and buy stall and a produce stall.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Charcoal / A second kiln has been purchased to enable Gary Browning to expand the charcoal production. The kiln was manufactured locally and is now in operation on site.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Photographic Competition / Following the success of the competition held two years ago, we are organising another one for visitors to enter during the season. We are most grateful to the Promoter Newspaper and the Sussex Camera Centre at Bognor for their generous support for the competition. Visitors have been asked to relate their entries to the following themes; a) Architectural details and b) Animals or craftsmen at work.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Pigsty Residents / During April we shall be joined by two piglets, kindly donated by the Ashdown Forest Park Farm. The piglets will be weaners and are a cross between a Berkshire and Gloucestershire Old Spot. In the early nineteenth century the traditional Sussex pig derived from the Berkshire or a black and white cross, probably very similar to the ones we are having.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Easter Parade / We shall be going to the Regents Park Heavy Horse Parade in its centenary year. William will be drawing the timber wagon and Bob Robinson's team will draw the Sussex wagon.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Publicity Workshops / Either as individual stand-holders or sharing with the Chichester Visitors Group, the Museum has attended : English Tourist Board's Excursions workshop; the Southern Tourist Board's Travel workshops at Southampton, Poole and Reading and their Heritage Education Fair at Portsmouth. We also attended the South-East England Tourist Board's Heritage Education Fair at Sussex University.
Richard Pailthorpe organised a leaflet exchange with other members of the CVG and the Tourism in Arun Group (TAG) at Goodwood House, which was well attended by local attractions, hotels and guest houses.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Auction / The catalogue is now ready and we hope for a good public response on the day - Friday, 12th April.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Princes Trust / We hosted groups of youngsters resident in the area under the Princes Trust Scheme. Our involvement was organised by Elizabeth Newbery and thanks are due to all those members of staff who assisted with this scheme.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Horsham & Reigate Project / Wally Gammons and his crew (of John Booker & Sons) are now well under way with the brickwork of the toilet block behind the Horsham Shop. The link building has now been erected to wall-plate level.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Association of Independent Museums / The Museum took part in the Aim Guildhall Exhibition entitled "Heritage at Work". Roger Champion demonstrated his carpentry skills in the crypt and we displayed the furniture from Walderton. In addition a shepherd's hut, accompanied by a small flock of Southdown sheep, was taken to London and set up in the Guildhall yard. Richard Pailthorpe and Alan Waters manned this part of the display and, unfortunately, got extremely wet as it rained all day.
1985/4Bulletin / April 1985Alan Waters / is going to ride 800+ miles from Lands End to John O'Groats to raise funds for the Museum. He hopes to complete the bicycle ride in 108 hours and the more sponsors he gets the more funds will be available for the Museum. Full details will appear in the Museum Newsletter.
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