Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1975/6SBC Minutes / 8 June 1975Lurgashall Mill / Removal to the Museum is in progress. It has not been found practical to withdraw chunks of the masonry and the dismantling stone by stone will commence in July. The Committee recorded its thanks to Messrs James Longley and Co for undertaking inspection and for their advice concerning the withdrawal of the structure.
1975/6SBC Minutes / 8 June 1975Landscaping and Tree Planting / Mr Russell stated that he had spoken to Professor Andrew and Mr David Streeter both of whom expressed their willingness to co-operate in advising on the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs.
1975/6SBC Minutes / 8 June 1975Crawley Hall / The memorandum prepared by Mr Warren was considered. AGREED the building should be sited on the North side of the square so that the reconstructed wing would face, and be partly hidden by, the Market Hall; the surviving bays would face directly on to the Square; the Horsham Shop should be situated directly to the East with a narrow "twitten" or passage between the two buildings; Planning Permission for its siting and that of the Horsham Shop should be submitted to the Planning Authority as soon as possible as Roger Champion would be ready to start on the repair work early in the autumn. Use: Although there is no intention of altering the plan for the upper floor, it was generally AGREED that the museum shop could not be accommodated satisfactorily on the ground floor of this building. It is now RECOMMENDED that the museum office might be located in that space, where privacy and some degree of quiet may be more easily arranged than in the Goodwood Granary. The outer room may provide useful \\
1975/6SBC Minutes / 8 June 1975Boarhunt Cottage / A most detailed and comprehensive study of this base-cruck cottage was presented by Mr Harris. His written assessment was amplified during discussion, and the Chairman expressed the Committee's gratitude for the very thorough report and for the advice on the feasibility of reconstructing the very incomplete structure. Mr Zeuner considered that it would be possible to include the work in the Museum's programme, and that Anthony Simmons would be able to carry out the reconstruction with the benefit of close direction. After considerable discussion of the historical significance and rarity of the building - and of the practical problems of deterioration and its incomplete nature - the Committee AGREED that the building was a desirable exhibit for the Museum, and RECOMMENDED that its reconstruction should be brought into the work programme. The Committee wishes to have an opportunity for further consideration of the arrangements for reconstruction and of the detail of treatment, at a tim \\
1975/6SBC Minutes / 8 June 1975Church Bells / Mr Armstrong reported that Mr Elphick, whose work in church bells and towers in Sussex will be known, had informed him of three bells of the 15th and 16thC which are redundant, and had suggested they might be thought suitable for association with the bell-frame from East Dean church. The possibility of erecting an open timber structure to support the frame and bells was briefly discussed. AGREED the donors should be informed that the Museum was interested.
1975/6SBC Minutes / 8 June 1975Lavant House / Mr Zeuner reported that this building was offered to the Museum at the stage when its historical interest was recognised but when it had already been partially demolished. The surviving two-thirds of the structure was accepted on behalf of the Museum as an emergency decision. There is no commitment to re-erection. The total cost to the Museum was
1975/9SBC Minutes / 28 September 1975Building at North Cray, in the Borough of Bexley / This four-bay house with an end jetty probably dates from the late 14thC. It was dismantled with the intention of local re-erection. It now seems likely that these plans will be abandoned. AGREED the Museum would accept the building subject to a favourable report on the present state of the timbers. It is understood that removal would not be required in the near future.
1975/9SBC Minutes / 28 September 1975Long-term Plan for Landscaping and Tree Planting - introduction / In presenting his detailed paper on landscape development, the Museum Director commented on the change taking place in the general appearance of the Museum site as a result of a decrease in the number of trees. Beyond some felling by the Estate, most of the change has been due to such natural causes as the recent unusual gales, natural degeneration and Dutch Elm Disease. Two particular areas where the latter has, or will produce denudation of standard trees are the woodland fringe alongside the main road (A286) and the clump of trees north of the village square. Mr Sheridan reported on the anticipated work on the roadside screen. Most of the large standards are affected by disease and felling is due in mid-October. It becomes necessary to decide suitable species and to plan the replanting of one mile of roadside verge. The Chairman reminded the Committee that the Museum site was an integral part of the West Dean Estate and was the end of \\
1975/9SBC Minutes / 28 September 1975Long-term Plan for Landscaping and Tree Planting - details / (see hard copy or pdf of plans and papers by C Zeuner and J Warren attached to minutes). (Zones are clockwise starting from south east) Zone 1: Low and scattered planting is required in this area to break up the stark line of the present boundary. The Director was authorised to undertake modest autumn planting in this zone, to extend the woodland northwards, with additional small-leaf lime. Zone 2: This is at present the hornbeam area - a museum exhibit in itself. AGREED the existing arrangements should be preserved by the re-planting of hornbeam standards and the continued rotation of hazel coppicing on a 12-year cycle. The south boundary should be made thicker and taller and from the north boundary hedge a screen should be developed between the two fields towards the tree clump. In the grey-stippled area at the bottom of Zone 2, hornbeams should be grown as standards, with an extension to the north where more scattered planting should be s \\
1975/9SBC Minutes / 28 September 1975Siting of Boarhunt Cottage / There was general agreement that the building should be sited in the northwest corner of the Museum site to the north of Hangleton Cottage, but further from the boundaries than had originally been suggested. It was considered likely that the building would benefit from being associated, in due course, with others of a suitable character. The actual oversite for the building should be built up rather than cut into the slope. Mr Champion recommended that, in deciding the alignment of the building, the problems of weathering should be borne in mind so that the more vulnerable parts of the framing might be protected as far as possible - in what will be an exposed situation. AGREED the building should be aligned approximately north/south with the hipped end to the north and the doorway to the east.
1975/9SBC Minutes / 28 September 1975Netherhale / Mr Armstrong's memorandum provides a resume of previous discussions and decisions. It was generally recognised that re-erection of the whole large complex was not feasible . Mr Rigold recommended that the Museum should accept: a) the solar wing and some of the original infilling, subject to being able to negotiate a grant towards the cost of re-erection b) two representative trusses from the so-called stable range c) the roof of the hall - although he had some reservations about this. It was resolved that the Museum should be sympathetic to receiving these items, together with small details such as the moulded fascia. A grant to cover the cost of dismantling and transport would be necessary. Any definite commitment to re-erection should be avoided. It was decided by vote to send no letter at this stage to either Mr Parkin or the Enquiry, but to stand by the previous correspondence.
1975/9SBC Minutes / 28 September 1975Eric Mercer / Mr Armstrong reported on the helpful advice given by Mr Eric Mercer about buildings recently considered and recommended that he should be co-opted on to this Committee. AGREED.
1975/9SBC Minutes / 28 September 1975Crawley Building and Horsham Shop / The Committee confirmed agreement of the siting of the Crawley building as outlined in Minute 4b of the previous meeting. Opinion was divided on the distance by which the Horsham Shop should project forward from the line of the Crawley Building. Decision on this point, and the details of treatment was deferred.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Selsey Waggon Shed / There was regret at seeing this building destroyed but a great deal of timber had been damaged and there is no staff available for carrying out extensive repair. AGREED to take a further look at the damage, in case there is any chance of reconstruction.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Crawley Building / The Chairman reported on the special meeting convened to consider the archaeological evidence. The archaeologist in charge of the excavation described his findings, which were largely inconclusive because of considerable disturbance of the site. No final drawings of the excavation record have been received and it seems unlikely that any further profitable information will come from this source. Mr Warren reported that the outcome of the meeting was that worries concerning the authenticity of the building as an original unit were to some extent resolved, and it is recommended that there should be no revision of the decision to re-erect it for use as a special purpose building for the Museum. Mr Harris elucidated the interpretation of the structure as it is now revealed by close examination of the timbers. Obviously there has been considerable alteration during its lifetime, but there appears to be good reason to conclude that what survives is part of a range of medieval buildings with \\
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Silverhill Barn / Permission for demolition has now been granted. It is now expected the building will come to the Museum. It is very large and so will be difficult to site.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Silverhill Barn / Has been sold privately for re-erection and will not now be coming to the Museum.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Siting of Boarhunt Cottage / Mr Harris reported on the findings of a closer inspection of the planned site. It is now proposed that the building would benefit from having a slightly higher position, and that a site halfway up the slope at the end of the slight plateau would be more in keeping with its original setting and would give it a better situation in the Museum context.
Mr Heymann commented on the problems resulting from the changing of Minuted decisions within six months. It was, however, AGREED that the site should be amended as now proposed.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Small storage shed /
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Lake / Instructions have been given for the upper pond to be lined during March, or as soon as weather permits. The lower pond will be treated with a clay lining.
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