Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1992/10Magazine Vol. 3 No. 9 / October 1992Training Courses and Building Conservation / The Museum is offering courses in association with the Joint Centre for Heritage Conservation and Management at Bournemouth Polytechnic. The courses will be led by Richard Harris and Roger Champion.
1992/10Magazine Vol. 3 No. 9 / October 1992Friends as Volunteers / Enclosed is a questionnaire, searching for interests of Friends with a view to constructing a database. Contact Virginia Lyon
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992STAFF / We were sorry to lose Julian Stodd as our librarian/odd job man/general dogsbody (!) when he started University in October. He is missed greatly but we hope he is enjoying his course at Bournemouth and look forward to seeing him at the Museum from time to time.

We welcome Gay Maclaren to the office staff who is standing in for Lynn for two days of the week during family illness.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992HOME IS THE HEART / This celebration of the home and its place in our hearts was an entertaining and amusing evening of poetry and prose which was performed in North Cray under the directorship of Amanda Waring. It was timed to coincide with the European Home Exhibition which was specially opened for those who attended. The audience had a very enjoyable evening and it is hoped that similar events will take place in the future.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992EUROPEAN HOME EXHIBITION / This very successful Exhibition, held in Crawley Hall in September and October, was much appreciated by the general public. It was an opportunity to see how others lived in rural areas of Europe and the beautiful models and photographs gave an excellent insight into this. Many thanks go to Richard Harris, Julian Stodd and everyone else who worked so hard in getting the exhibition read in time for the grand opening by the Duke of Richmond.

The Exhibition has now moved to the Avoncroft Museum of Buildings at Bromsgrove and was visited by a group of Euro-MPs during their stay in Birmingham. At the beginning of December the Museum of East Anglian Life in Stowmarket is taking the models and photographs until Christmas.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992LONGPORT HOUSE / You will all be anxious to hear about Longport House which is currently one of the top priorities at the Museum. Staff disappeared overnight to Folkestone and several aspects of the Museum have come to a virtual halt. However, the remaining stalwart staff have been holding the fort extremely well under the increased pressures!

Progress continues at Longport House despite the tin roof not coping with horizontal rain. Richard Harris is carrying out the building recording while the house comes down around him with the expert help of Roger Champion, Bob Powell and a good team from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust - who have managed to fit in the rescue of a Bronze Age boat in Dover at the same time.

Dismantling should be finished by the beginning of December and the hard work of re-erecting the building at the Museum will start in the New Year.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992STEAM THRESHING AND PLOUGHING WEEKEND / Unfortunately the weather was not good during this weekend but 1,750 people braved the elements each day to see the event. Horse ploughmen came from around the country to show their skills and enthusiasts with a range of vintage tractors demonstrated the art of ploughing.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992VISITOR NUMBERS / At the end of October these totalled 147,000, which is 20,000 down on the same time last year. Unsettled weather and the general economic climate have been the main contributory factors in these disappointing figures.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992EDUCATION AT THE MUSEUM - RESPONSE TO THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM / One such response was the most enjoyable day spent with Parklands School from Chichester. Geoff King (Education Officer) went out to the School to discover how the children were developing their school vegetable plots. The visit was discussed fully with ideas generated for the Museum day. Bob Holman and Roy Money kindly cooperated with slides in Crawley Hall and samples from Roy's farm, leading out into the Museum site for a detailed study of Bayleaf Garden. The grinding of wheat grain by various hand methods prepared the way for the understanding of how the Lurgashall Mill produces flour. The backdrop of the farmhouse with its animals provided a superb environment in which real first hand experiences were gained.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992PORK AND LAMB / Should anyone like to buy frozen pork o lamb from the Museum, please contact the Office, Monday - Friday, 10 am - 4 pm.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992SPONSORSHIP / Once again we are delighted to report that Carringdales will be sponsoring the Museum leaflet. This year will see the design of a new leaflet which will be published early in the New Year.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992VOLUNTEERS QUESTIONNAIRES / There has been a good response, both from Volunteer Stewards and Friends, to the questionnaire sent out with the Autumn Newsletter. This has, as hoped, brought to light some previously unknown interests and skills which people are prepared to offer. Some of these have already been acted upon.

Plans for using other offers are already in the pipeline but once again, if your offer is not taken up immediately please do not think we are ungrateful. It may come in useful in the future. Thank you all for your interest.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992VOLUNTEERS TRAINING DAY / A training day dealing with public relations was held at the Museum for a small number of volunteers from The Weald & Downland, Amberley Chalk Pits and an equal number of students and staff from St. Mary's College, Twickenham. The theme for the day was what makes pleasurable experience for our visitors and how we can improve it.

The day included talks, discussions, (and) a video of visitors being interviewed at the Museum and asked for their opinions on presentation and friendliness of staff. It culminated in some dramatic presentations by the students of visitors being badly handled in various situations which might arise. These were then discussed in groups and an improved approach was re-enacted.

The day was videoed and will be used as a basis for further training. It was a stimulating day and it was particularly interesting to talk to the students.
1992/11Bulletin / November 1992FORTHCOMING EVENTS / Volunteers Party, 7.30 pm, West Dean - 23 November
Christmas Shopping Day at the Museum - 29 November
Trustees Meeting, 6.00 pm, Crawley Hall - 7 December
Christmas Carols, 7.00 pm in North Cray - 21 December
1992/2Bulletin / February 1992BATTEN AND LATH SALES / We have been able to supply a Cambridge building firm with 40,000 feet of split oak laths which are to be used in the restoration of Kings College. A number of smaller orders have also been received for chestnut laths and battens. This is extremely encouraging and we hope more orders will materialise during the year.
1992/2Bulletin / February 1992FRED WHITBREAD / We are sad to report the death of Fred Whitbread, a volunteer for many years, who will be sadly missed by everyone at the Museum.
1992/2Bulletin / February 1992NEW GUIDE BOOK / In May we will be introducing a new Guide Book. This will supercede the current book, and includes much more up to date details on the new buildings. Over the past few months Richard Harris has been working hard on this guide which is eight pages bigger than the old one and contains many revisions. The layout of the new guide book has been designed b the Robin Wade Partnership.
1992/2Bulletin / February 1992NEW LOOK FOR THE PUBLICITY CARAVAN / We shall be investing in a new design and an easier awning for the mobile caravan display this season. This is an important marketing tool for publicity which had begun to look rather tired recently. It will also be much easier to set up and hopefully this will enable a wider range of people to become involved in manning the display, and therefore increase its visits out during the year.
1992/2Bulletin / February 1992NEW WALK / Have you tried out the new walk yet? This does down Gonville Drive, along the bottom track and returns by Court Barn. Its purpose is to respond to the public who have demonstrated their desire to walk round the Museum by way of Gonville and also it means that when livestock is grazing in the lower field, it will actually be seen by the public instead of being far away. The walk will be closed from time to time when it is necessary to use the yard to gather animals for treatment or loading.
1992/2Bulletin / February 1992AN EXTRA
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