Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015From the Director / Introduction highlighting the Heritage Lottery Fund. Moving catering facilities. New communciations via FB & Twitter & website. Mentioning Saxon hall project & Pembury/Tonbridge barn & stable being dismantled.
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015Would you like to work in heritage, crafts, trades or countryside skills? / Join us at the Weald & Downland careers forum on Friday 16th October. Explore work and career options focusing on four fields, Traditional Trades, Historic Crafts, Skills used in Countryside management and working in the heritage sector. List of confirmed organisations attending.
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015Historic gardens enhancing our buildings / Carlotta Holt and her team find there is much work to be done during the winter, allowing plants to go to seed to provide further supplies of the heritage varieties we grow. They have also been constructing the hurdle fencing around Bayleaf Farmhouse Orchard. The beds are manured and well prepared.
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015Museum launches new website / The new website was launched at Christmas ( It features a lot of photographs with the aim of attracting a broad range of visitors. It also includes a blog which will be regularly updated with articles aboutt he museum's exhibit buildings, collections and projects.
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015Southdowns Project will "see" beneath the Forest Canopy / The South Downs National Park Authority is hosting an exciting new Heritage Lottery fund-supported project called The Secrets of the High Woods. To find out more contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (website:
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015More Shakespeare filmed at the Museum / Visitors and volunteers were greeted by the sights, smells and noise of a full-scale battle taking place in the market squre at the beginning of January - complete with fog! Shakespeare Productions were here for a second time to film scenes for the next BBC Hollow Crowns series, due to be screened in 2016.
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015Farm crops and site maintenance / The winter wheat was sown later than hoped due to the wet weather, and unfortunately the rooks did some damage to the newly planted crop. The local and historic chidham wheat has again been sown at Tindalls Cottage. The rooks have also damaged some of the thatched roofs, pulling out the straw to get at the bluebottle flies which hibernate in the straw during the winter. Chris Tomkins, the museum's thatcher, has been busy repairing the damage. Repairs to the grass fields, notably the entrance into Greenways, are necessary due to the wet weather at the Autumn Countryside Show and the Christmas Market. Path maintenance, hedging and fencing tasks have been undertaken, also limewashing and painting.
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015Plumbers' Master's day / The Worshipful Company of Pumbers, whose museum collection is exhibited in Court Barn, celebrates its 450th anniversary this year. We wil be welcoming members of the Worshipful Company to the Master's Day taking place at the museum on 14th June. They will enjoy lunch in the upper hall from Crawley and a full day of demonstrations around the site.
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015School Friends / In 2015 we are introducing a new membership for schools - for details of all the benefits check our website.
2015/3Magazine / Spring 2015Obituaries / Derek Bandey, a former trustee and honorary treasurer to the museum, died aged 89. Leslie Weller, a trustee of the museum from 1990-1995 died last year, Bob Green died peacefully at his home in October 2014 - a familiar figure around the museum, Di allison, one of the specialist Bayleaf volunteers died in November and Denzil Burgess, who died in September aged 82, was one of the original demonstrators working in lead for the Plumbing Museum and Workshop Trust.
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