1972/7 | SBC Minutes / 16 July 1972 | Titchfield Market Hall / The Committee AGREED that it could not avoid the responsibility to reach decisions on the features of a building for which the surviving evidence is inconclusive, and to implement those decisions. The Committee RECOMMENDS: a) the should be a bottom plate around the end of the building; b) on consideration of surviving examples of similar market halls, it seems likely that the explanation of the central mortices on the undersides of the middle-plates is pendants, and that pendants of simple design should be incorporated in this building; c) the posts of the building should be replaced in timber and should be seated on a small stone pad, and that Portland stone would be a suitable material for the latter; d) the infilling should be of newly-made bricks of an appropriate pattern, laid in herring-bone fashion but with care to avoid too meticulous or mechanical a finish; e) top sprockets should be used; f) an oriel window of simple design made from sawn timbers should be installed to c \\ |
1972/7 | SBC Minutes / 16 July 1972 | Re-erection of Crawley barn and Pendean / Work on reconstructing Crawley barn must be deferred because it is unlikely that Mr Greiner will be available.
Pendean: Estimates are being prepared in order to apply for a grant from the Victoria and Albert Museum. A new undertaking in this project will be the brickwork - a considerable amount is required for infilling and for the large central chimney. The Clay Products Committee have decided it is not practicable to manufacture the necessary number of bricks at the Museum. Other sources of supply of bricks to the original pattern are being investigated. |
1972/7 | SBC Minutes / 16 July 1972 | Dismantling of Crawley barn and Pendean / Mr Longley reported that the work had gone satisfactorily and the timbers would reach the Museum within the next few days. He reminded the meeting that, to secure the agreed grant, a claim must be made to the Commission for New Towns during this current financial year. |
1972/7 | SBC Minutes / 16 July 1972 | Alteration to the Museum's lease / Mr Heymann reported that the areas involved in the alteration to the Museum's lease have been surveyed and that a plan showing the revised boundaries is being incorporated in the deed of variation of the lease. |
1973/1 | Newsletter Number Five / Jan-Apr 1973 | Opening Arrangements for 1973 / The Museum will be open from 1100 to 1800 on Easter Weekend, then all Sundays to 19th May, then Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Bank Holidays until. 30th September, then 1000 to 1700 on Wednesdays and Sundays until end of October |
1973/1 | Newsletter Number Five / Jan-Apr 1973 | Seminar and Weekend Course / We are staging a seminar and weekend course for Friends and Volunteers. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Gonville Cottage / Will be vacated by mid February; the Museum will be offered a lease. There would be advantages to the museum in renting the adjacent patch of waste land. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Cottage at Reigate / Notified by Miss Harding. Has been severely damaged by fire and is not suitable for collection by the museum. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Goodwood Granary / This is a plain building which could be sited in the car park and be fitted out to serve a useful purpose as a site office. The Committee recommends the building be acquired for this utilitarian purpose and that arrangements to transport intact the short distance from Goodwood go ahead. Removal timed a little in advance of the museum's opening date might secure useful publicity. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Ashington well and Patching horse-gin / Have been offered to the Museum; volunteers have undertaken to instal them. This will make an interesting supplement to the Museum's exhibits on ancient water-raising methods. A site on the north fringe of the village group, towards the forge, AGREED. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | The Master Plan / Some misgivings were voiced but discussion was hampered by the absence of Mr Warren. The Committee was concerned in case the detail shown in certain areas of the map might create a wrong impression in the Planning Authority. AGREED: the plan be endorsed "sites are diagrammatic and the actual location of each will be subject to individual application for approval; the area west of site 9 be marked 'unallocated' except for indication of the position of Hangleton cottage and the proposed site for a glasshouse; the area of woodland east of site 9 be marked "subject to landscaping". Mr Lowe agreed to present these amendments to the Council of Management. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Saxon hall / The drawings presented to the Committee indicate an almost complete framework and would appear to be a more substantial structure than had been envisaged. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Metalling of road across site / The cost will be about one thousand pounds. For this reason and so that the ground may dry out, the work will be deferred until the summer. |
1973/1 | Newsletter Number Five / Jan-Apr 1973 | Tree Planiting at the Museum / Donations towards planting trees are welcome |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Resignation of Mr Gravett / Mr Gravett has written to explain his many other commitments but states his willingness to continue to help with advice on specific problems. Mr Rigold will represent Kent Archaeological Society. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Storing of timbers in the railway cutting / In view of the deterioration which has become very apparent, AGREED the re-stacking and covering of the timbers be given the utmost priority. Mr Champion is requested to undertake this and is given authority to acquire suitable corrugated iron for constructing portable sectional roofs. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Treatment of Bayleaf curtilage / AGREED a garden around Bayleaf would not stand up to the number of visitors, nor was it likely to be historically accurate. An orchard would be more realistic and practical. The curtilage should be defined with a simple hedge and laid out informally with species as near as possible to contemporary ones. Detailed arrangements are left to the decision of Messrs. Armstrong, Lowe, Zeuner, Newell and Mrs Hallam. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Crawley building / A committee to organise a local appeal has been set up. |
1973/1 | SBC Minutes / 28 January 1973 | Titchfield Market Hall / After considerable discussion, it was AGREED that as a matter of principle the appearance of a museum building should, so far as possible, represent its original state, and the museum reconstructions should not be used to demonstrate uncertainties nor the variety of possible interpretations - although these should be fully explained in literature. Mr Lowe suggested this was particularly important in the case of the market hall since it would always be one of the most important and visually outstanding of the museum's buildings. The following details were AGREED: a) the bay-posts - should be timber and seated on a stone pad. The Committee accepted that it may be necessary to replace one original corner post; b) treatment of east end bay: north wall - to be infilled with brick, without a middle rail; west wall (partition) - to have full-height studs with brick infilling; east wall - to be as in diagram 3, on both sides of the doorway; gallery - to have brick infilling below the rai \\ |
1973/1 | Newsletter Number Five / Jan-Apr 1973 | Friends' Subscriptions / Asking Friends to pay the |