2004/10 | Magazine / Autumn 2004 | Friends Norfolk tour / Resume of the tour. |
2004/10 | Magazine / Autumn 2004 | News in brief / The Museum hopes to claim approx |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Juliet Wakelam / Juliet Wakelam has joined the Museum Staff as Finance Officer. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Volunteer millers retire / Four volunteer millers, Heather and Peter Vincent, Ruth and Peter Stock, who were taught milling by Robert Demaus in 1984, are retiring. A brief history of the mill follows, referring to Paul Simons, John Friar, Peter Stenning, Geoff Boxall, Neil Wilkins, Mike Tighe, Nick Conway and Paul Maxted. A post script regrets the death of Peter Vincent. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Gail Kittle leaves the Museum / Richard Harris reports that Gail Kittle, the Operations Director, has left the Museum for family reasons |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Gypsy caravan joins Museum Collections / A gypsy caravan dating from the late 1880s is the latest addition. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Guy Viney's new responsibilities / Guy Viney will be responsible for maintianing and developing our exhibit buildings. , and in improving access to the buildings by disabled visitors. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Cornmillers Guild visits the Museum / The Traditional Cornmillers Guild visited the Museum in November. Tim Heymann greeted them. In the past Peter and Heather Vincent have represented the Museum in the Guild. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Learning at the Museum takes new strides. / In 2003 we staged 187 course days, attended by nearly 1650 students, employing more than 60 tutors. Important courses were "Strength graders of Oak" run by David Woodbridge, and Timothy Easton's "Superstition Myth & Magic and the Painted House". Rebecca Osborne is now Diana Rowsell's assistant. There 8 new courses in Historic Buildings Conservation and 12 in Traditional Rural Trades and Crafts. For the list of leaders of the bulding conservation courses see the next entry. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Supporting the Museum's greatest asset - our volunteers / Richard Harris reports that conversation is a very important part of the volunteers contact with visitors. The volunteers contribute 50,000 hours per year. To help them ito communicate with visitors the Museum will produce a set of videos, covering 24 subjects in four areas: underpinning knowledge and skills, including communication skills; exhibit buildings; building materials, landscape and livestock. The work is being carried out by Aaron Smillie, Neil Wiseman and Ann Clarke , the paper and electronic resources being prepared by Jon Roberts and Lara Band. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | An evening with a difference. . . / Saturday night Tudor suppers at the Museum have been successful. Contact Julie Aalen |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Join the audience for "the Roses of Eyam" as the play moves through the Museum. / Don Taylor's play "The Roses of Eyam" will be presented by the Crooked Rose Theatre Productions, founded by Gaby Pritchard, at the Museum in August. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | www.wealddown.co.uk / Jeff Houlton explores the success of the Museum's website, launched in Feb. 1999. 15,000 visitors in the first year, and nearly 200,000 in 2003. The main aim is marketing. To encourage visitors from far afield we've created a mini-tourism site for visitor attractions within 10 miles. In 2000 we added French, German and Dutch language. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | News in brief / Advertising our craft demonstrations and Mothering Sunday. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | The Copper Family returns to sing Sussex songs. / An advertisement for the return of Bob Copper and his family, who'll be coming to the Museum in August |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Experience the giants of the horse world at our Heavy Horse Spectacular / An advertisement for the Heavy Horse Show. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Giving through self-assessment tax return / An appeal for money from tax payers who get a refund from the Revenue. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Sir James Waddell, Rob Dash, Elizabeth Doff and Heather Champion / Obituaries of Sir James Waddell, Rob Dash and Heather Champion by Diana Zeuner and of Elizabeth Doff by Rchard Harris. A message from Roger Champion. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | How 'Designation' is helping the Museum achieve high standards. / Richard Harris reports that the museum is one of 62 institutions 'Designated' by the Government. The Designation Challenge Fund (DSF) has helped to fund the removal of the collection to Gridshell, the representation of Pendean, relocating Winkhurst and other research. We are applying for funding of a Collections Assistant to help us make a digitised catalogue of the collection. |
2004/4 | Magazine / Spring 2004 | Discover sustainable buildings at a special event at the Museum / There will be an event about sustainable buildings on May 16th. |