Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1971/5Newsletter Number Two / May-Aug 1971The Titchfield Old Market Hall / The Titchfield Market Hall has recently been rescued, thanks to the Peter Minet Trust's offer of
1971/5Newsletter Number Two / May-Aug 1971Crafts and Industries / We hope to start on the barn to house Mr Plewis's Wheelwright's shop. Mr Hett has presented the Museum with a rare collection of tinsmith's equipment.
1971/5Newsletter Number Two / May-Aug 1971Grants from Local Authorities / The Museum has now received grants from all our neighbouring County Councils: West Sussex, East Sussex, Kent, Surrey and Hampshire.
1971/5Newsletter Number Two / May-Aug 1971New Members of the Friends / The membership of the Friends is now 650.
1971/5Newsletter Number Two / May-Aug 1971The Public Opening of the Museum / The Museum opened four days a week, starting on 29th May, staffed entirely by volunteers. We have been averaging over 2,000 visitors a week. At times we had as many as 14 coaches with 500 or 600 children.
1971/5Newsletter Number Two / May-Aug 1971New Publications / A set of 12 colour slides is on sale; Chris Zeuner and his family have produced a small illustrated booklet on blacksmith's tools. The 1971 Guide is available
1971/5Newsletter Number Two / May-Aug 1971Other Improvements / Charcoal Burner's camp, enlarged by the addition of a day hut, has been very popular. It was largely built by Mrs. Lynn Sharf [later Lyn Armstrong]. Plastering of Winkhurst nearly complete. The display material in the Granary is being revised. The replica Saxon loom in the weaver's hut caused a great deal of interest. Mrs Johnston widened the width of cloth.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Area of site leased from Edward James Foundation / Mr Heymann will make an official approach to the Foundation to explore the possibility of extending the leased area.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Mr & Mrs Plewis / Mr Walker reported that Mr & Mrs Plewis had decided to leave Kent and move near the museum where Mr Plewis would like to do part-time work. They wanted to buy a small house and the Committee AGREED to keep a look-out.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Hangleton house / Mr Armstrong reported that Mr Tilley had now volunteered to supervise the reconstruction of the Hangleton house from mid July to mid August. Efforts were now being made to recruit students who would undertake the work.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Ruth Cottage / Mr Armstrong reported that the Robertsbridge Archaeological Society had agreed to draw and mark this building. The East Sussex County Council would arrange to have the building dismantled and delivered to the Charlton store. The Committee RECOMMENDED the acquisition of this house.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Hambrook Barn / Mr Armstrong reported that this 17thC barn was in good condition and was of a type that should be represented at the museum. The cost of dismantling and transport would be about
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Titchfield Old Market Hall / Mr Lowe reported that the Fareham UDC had now offered this building as a gift to the museum and that a private trust had just offered
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Little Woolborough Barn / The Ministry of Transport have not yet completed purchase of this property but Mr Longley had been told informally that the museum could almost certainly have the barn as a gift. The Committee RECOMMENDED acquisition of the barn if the necessary funds could be found.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Petworth Barn / Mr Armstrong and Mr Champion had both inspected this barn and considered it to be in poor condition. The Committee RECOMMENDED that the museum should not acquire this building.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Proposed Siting: Hangleton Houses / Mr Armstrong's suggested siting of these two buildings at the west end of the museum site was accepted
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Proposed Siting: Titchfield Old Market Hall / The difficulties of siting this building on the present site were discussed and the Committee decided to defer final decision until the next meeting.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Proposed Siting: Crawley Barn / The Committee accepted Mr Armstrong's suggested siting for this building but at the same time asked for more time and more information to consider an overall plan for the development of the museum. Mr Warren agreed to send out development drawings that could be considered at the next meeting.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Priorities / The Kirdford cattle shed would provide the most useful building for Mr Champion's workshop. It was felt that the Kirdford cattle shed, the Crawley barn and the Titchfield Old Market Hall should be dealt with in the order they came to hand. The Hambrook barn and Pendean were less important but could be worked on if time and labour allowed.
1971/5SBC Minutes / 9 May 1971Timbers in store / The Committee RECOMMENDED that all timbers in store should be treated, restacked and properly covered before next winter.
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