Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1986/3Magazine Vol. 2 No. 26 / March 1986Exhibition of Building Conservation / The Museum is holding an exhibition on the theme of building conservation in August. Contact Margaret Challen
1986/3Magazine Vol. 2 No. 26 / March 1986West Ashling Granary / A small granary has been moved from West Ashling and resited near the mill, where it will be used for storage of the grain to be used in the mill.
1986/3Magazine Vol. 2 No. 26 / March 19861985 Season Better than Expected / In spite of a wet August the 1985 total number of visitors was better than expected:175 020, compared with 179 220 for 1984. A visitor survey was kept throughout the year. (For details see the original)
1986/3Magazine Vol. 2 No. 26 / March 1986The Builder's Yard / The area round the Witley Joiner's Shop will be devloped as a builder's yard. The Plumber's and Glazier's Workshop will be placed on its permanent site in this area.
1986/3Magazine Vol. 2 No. 26 / March 19861986 Speciial Events and Exhibitions
Publicity leaflet / Novice Sheep Dog Trials; Tools of the Trade; Heavy Horses; Rare Breeds; Exhibition of Building Materials; Steam Threshing, Ploughing etc.
Bruce Williams's latest design of publicity leaflet features the door of Bayleaf cut down the middle to open out. The Museum distributes some 100,000 leaflets a year.
1986/3Magazine Vol. 2 No. 26 / March 1986Bayleaf Farm Project Planned / Detailed decisions about the form of the planned Bayleaf Farm Project are being made.
Based on Dr Sylvia Landsberg's report, the garden will be laid out in front of Bayleaf using 1500 as the dateline
The interior will be furnished using replicas of furniture , domestic equipment etc.
To the West the Cowfold Barn will be erected and a farmyard constructed.
An exhibition of the History of Farming is being prepared in association with the NFU; this will be housed in a cattle-shed type building situated at right angles to the Kirdford Shed.
Richard Harris is responsible for writing the exhibition which will be designed by Ivor Heal.
The whole project is being developed by a working party of Chris Zeuner, Roy Armstrong, Marjorie Hallam, Richard Harris, Roger Champion, Heather Champion, Elizabeth Newbery and Louise Jaggard.
1986/3Magazine Vol. 2 No. 26 / March 1986Museum Boundary Extensions / The Edward James Foundation have agreed to extend the area of the Museum by 20 acres: the field known as Greenways, and the area West of Gonville Drive. This will allow the Museum to run on a regular basis.
The Museum is grateful to Karova Farms (Edward James Foundation) for renting the 40-acre site for a peppercorn rent from the outset. The Agent, Martin Heymann, has been involved from the outset
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986EASTER PARADE / Alan Waters, Andrew Hodby and the Zeuner Family took William to the Regents Park Parade. Bob Robinson provided horses for this event once again.
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986BUILDING WORK / The new sewer has now been installed and completed. Finishing work has been started on the lavatories. Roger Champion has moved the Toll Cottage Exhibition from the inner room to the front room. Work has started on furnishing the inner room. A fire place has been installed.
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986KATIE STEWART / The Katie Stewart Cookery Demonstration held at Bishop Otter College was a great success with over 160 people attending. It raised over
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986PORTSMOUTH MAY DAY PARADE / William will be going to the Portsmouth May Day Parade, where he will draw the timber wagon and Bob Robinson's horse will draw the Sussex wagon. William will also be attending the Heavy Horse Spring Work organised by the Southern Counties Heavy Horse Association at Alton on May 18th.
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986PUBLICITY WORKSHOPS AND CARAVAN DATES / We attended in April a Leisure Exhibition at the Grange Centre, Midhurst, and a Young Farmers Open Day at Coombs Farm, Lancing. The caravan will be going to the following places:-

Surrey Young Farmers Open Day, Nr Dorking on May 12th. Heavy Horse Spring Work on May18th.
Surrey Show on May 26th.
Goodwood Dressage on May 30th, 31st and June 1st.

Richard Pailthorpe attended the English Tourist Board "MOOT 86" Travel Trade Fair on behalf of the Museum which took place in Bournemouth.
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986WALTER GREENWAYS TRIP / The Friends trip organised by Walter Greenway was successful, despite the bad weather and the loss of participants in Ironbridge. On the trip the following Museums and sites were visited:-

Chiltern Open Air Museum
Long Crendon Court House
Maxstoke Castle
Great Coxwell Barn
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986TALKS AND LECTURES / Joan Harding gave a talk at the Museum about the Surrey Building Research Group. The event was well attended and brought the series of evening lectures to a close.
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986'TRACK BACK' / 'Track Back', a family discovery pack which links the Museum and the Goodwood Estate has just been produced by the Museum's Education Officer. It is designed especially for the high proportion of visitors and family groups who revisit the Museum. It will be on sale in May and cost
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986SWEATSHIRTS / With Museum logo.

1986/4Bulletin / April 1986(none) / The executive Board and the Trustees of the Museum have invited the following to become Trustees:-

Mrs E Armstrong
Lady Elizabeth Benson
M W Burrell
Martin F Caroe
Miss J M Harding
Alan Hayes
Mrs M M Holt
R D Hunt
C Lucas
Miss V E Lyon
Jim Oliver
W M Renwick
J O Veltom

They are very welcome and it is hoped that they will enjoy their association with the Museum.
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986DIARY DATES / 'Guide Stewards' briefing seminar April 29th 10.30am
AGM of the Trustees of the Museum April 29th 6.30pm
National Farmers Union Committee Meeting May 1st 2.30pm
Novice Sheep Dog Trials (Bank Holiday) May 5th
Curatorial Group May 7th 11.00am
'Tools of the Trade' May 18th
Executive Board followed by Singleton May 19th 9.00am
Museum Services Ltd AGM
Sites and Buildings Committee Meeting May 19th 2.00pm
Curatorial Group May 21st 11.00am
A special visit of the Portsmouth May 23rd
Water Company
Spinning, Bee Skep Making May 25th
'Guide Stewards' briefing \\
1986/4Bulletin / April 1986TVS / Filming of charcoal burning and spar making will appear in the "Country Ways" programme on the Singleton area later in the year.
1986/5SBC Minutes / 19 May 1986Committee Membership / Mr McDowall asked whether the Committee should be considering new members. AGREED to withhold proposals for new additions to the Committee until after the review of the Master Plan. All current members of the Committee agreed to continue.
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