Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Advances in the Library / The Library Manpower Service Commission team has worked for 3 months in the library, led by Caroline Hallam.
Claire Murphy and Paul Damper are classifying the books. Jim Wilkie, Louise Jaggard, Tricia Semple, Jay Stevenson and Irena Morrison are working on Roy Armstrong's slides.
Many additional people have helped. and Chichester NADFS has given a grant of
1984/10Bulletin / October 1984Vice-Presidents' Evening / This was to have been held at Goodwood but, unfortunately, has had to be postponed.
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Repairs to Winkhurst / In the winter Roger Champion will be remove the side sprockets from Winkhurst and raise it about 12 inches to ensure preservation of the sole plate.
1984/10Bulletin / October 1984Autumn Activities - 27 and 28 October / There will be several teams of horses and some vintage tractors to do the ploughing plus, we hope, demonstrations by The Taunton Cider Cooper.
1984/10Bulletin / October 1984Harvest / We extend many apologies to Ted Nash for omitting his name from the band of harvesters mentioned in last month's Bulletin. Sorry Ted!
1984/10Bulletin / October 1984John G Snelling / John G Snelling & Co will be using the upper room in Crawley Hall on October 24th for a company meeting.
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Cavalcade of Costume / The Friends is sponsoring a Cavalcade of Costume showing Mrs Penny's collection of male and female costumes of 1600 to 1920. Tickets are
1984/10Bulletin / October 1984Friends of the Museum AGM - 10 November 1984 / This meeting is usually in the afternoon in Chichester and Staff are very welcome to attend. Details from the Office.
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Toll Cottage Garden / Ted Nash and Ann Beaumont have continued their work on the Toll Cottage garden. Ann Beaumont has also been developing the herb garden round Walderton.
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Work Begins on the Horsham/Reigate Project / The foundations for the Horsham Shop and the Reigate Town House are complete, and the timbers of the Horsham shop have been sent to the workshop of McCurdy and Company for repair.
The project will cost
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Wanted! / The Museum wants good quality Horsham Slab roofing for Crawley Hall and the Horsham shop.
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Countryside Education Trust / Next year Elizabeth Newbery will be working with both the Museum and the West Sussex Countryside Education Trust, which is based at Goodwood. She will be exploring ways of expanding the education service of both.
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Autumn Activities / The Autumn Activities weekend will be on October 27/28
1984/10Members' Magazine No. 22 / October 1984Friends Recruiting Campaign / The Friends recruiting campaign has produced 500 new members, 170 of whom have covenanted their subscriptions.
1984/10Bulletin / October 1984Biskupin Exhibition / This is now open in Edinburgh - next stop Cambridge!
1984/11Bulletin / November 1984Barns from Northchapel / These have been despatched to Stanton, Virginia and we understand that the Museum of Frontier Culture is now being launched.
1984/11Bulletin / November 1984Horsham/Reigate Project / Tenders have been invited for the block work and modern roofs and a start will be made shortly after Christmas.
1984/11Bulletin / November 1984Carol Concert / Will be held in Bayleaf on December 20th at 7 p.m. Help with the provision of mince pies will be very much appreciated.
1984/11Bulletin / November 1984Beningfield prints / Frames for the small prints are available in the shop at a special price of
1984/11Bulletin / November 1984Paula Muller / Has been assisting Robert Demaus in the Mill throughout the year. She has now obtained full-time work and we are sorry to see her go as we understand she was an excellent worker.
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