Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1983/3SBC Minutes / 23 March 1983Little Winkhurst / R Harris reported that the timbers had been inspected by some members of the committee. Only 25% of the original timbers could be re-used. Proposed by the Director that the timbers could not satisfactorily be re-erected as a complete building. One end was missing and many of the timber surfaces had deteriorated. The timbers would be stored and parts used for exhibitional purposes. This should be tactfully explained to Museum associates. This was accepted by the committee.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983The Pound
Witley Joiner's Shop / The Museum has been given by Walton Heath Golf Club an article of village furniture: a pound surviving in good condition on the Common at Walton Heath. Heather Champion and Ted Heath dismantled it.
The pillars forming the undercroft of the Witley Joiner's Shop. are now in place. The timber work will be erected during the year.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Toll Cottage / The toll cottage will be completed in the season, with a new Exhibition on Turnpikes and Toll Cottages by Kim Leslie. An earth closet from the Goodwood Estate is being rebuilt.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Repairs to Bayleaf / The weather side of Bayleaf was repaired in the winter. The work included changes to the foundations. Brian Boseley rewattled-and-daubed some panels, and Roger Champion repaired several timbers.
Tichfield Market |Hall has had its gable end tile-hung.
Maintenance of Winkhurst is the next job.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983North Cray Hall House / Roger Chamnpion has started on repair of the elm timbers of North Cray. The Friends have contributed
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Letter from the Chairman of the Friends. / The AGM was well attended. There are now over 1700 Friends. The subscription rates were raced, hopefully there won't be another increase for some time. He rules need revision. At the AGM Chris Zeuner and Richard Harris gave a talk on developments.
The Committee has confirmed financial support for North Cray Nad West Wittering scjhool.
WE will stage a produce stall at the Country Fair and the Activity Weekend in July and maybe in October. Joan Brooks, Mary Hum and Ethel Buvyer will welcome help at the stall.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Weekend trip to Tamar Valley. / Next April there will be a trip to the Morwellham Quay and Cotehele in the Tamar Valley. All correspondence to Walter Greenway.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Grants 1982-1983 / Grants received are from:
Idlewild and Peter Minet Trusts
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Staff Changes
New Appointments / Doug Bryant will reduce his service as Chief Warden to 1 day a week, Marjorie Bryant will continue her work in the shop. Alf Bryden will cease his work as warden, but will operate the carpenter's shop once a week. Geoff Kent will retire this year. Dorothy Kent will continue to look after the Friends' membership lists.
Keith Bickmore has taken over the work of Chief Warden. He holds First Aid and Nursing Certificates.
Jim Hampshire will take over the new post of Caretaker. He and his wife will live in Gonville Cottage.
Chris and Diana Zeuner are moving into Park Cottage.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Record Season / We had 176,374 visitors between April and October: a record! The BBC Chronicle programme may have brought 10,000 visitors. Publicity expenditure was increased; 12% of visitors came as a result of the leaflet compared with 4%. There was a 25% increase in adult visitors.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Country Fair / A country fair similar to the one held three years ago will be held in May. A major feature will be a Produce Stall run by the Friends. See Sir James Waddell's letter on page 3. Joan Brooks, Ethel Buvyer and Mary Hum will run the stall.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983A Look at the Year Ahead / Next year we'll rebuild the West Wittering School and furnish it. The Friends contirbuted
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Oxen Try on Their Yoke / The oxen, Hearty and Heedless, have settled down well in their tuition from Alan Waters and Martin Bossom
1983/3SBC Minutes / 23 March 1983Toll Cottage Gates / R Harris reported that research on the design and structure of such gates had proved fruitful and in the near future he would have the design for the Beeding Toll Cottage gates.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Letter from the Chairman of the Friends / The membership of the Friends is now 1700. The AGM approved the increase in subscriptions, and thanked Mrs Kessler, the Treasurer. Chris Zeuner and Richard Harris gave a talk after the meeting. The Committee have promised financial support for North Cray and West Wittering. At the Country Fair Miss Brooks, Miss Buvyer and Mrs Hum will be running a stall for produce by the Friends.
1983/3SBC Minutes / 23 March 1983Pendean Farm Complex - NFU Proposals / The Director reported that a committee had been set up by the Regional NFU Branch who have been keen to set up an exhibition concerned with the history of agriculture. The Pendean Farm area had been suggested as a suitable complex where the theme could be expanded. He asked for the committee's opinion on using a modern structure in close proximity to Pendean which could be used for exhibition purposes. Mr Heymann commented on the scope of the material available for building a modern structure. This could be used to demonstrate vernacular architecture of recent years. Mr Armstrong stressed the fact that a modern building in such a position would not be in keeping with the original concept of the Museum. R Harris commented that the opportunity for using modern materials in a Museum such as the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum was very limited. R Champion felt that the mixing of modern and old buildings was not visually acceptable in this Museum. Mrs Hallam sugge \\
1983/3SBC Minutes / 23 March 1983Alterations to Crawley Hall / Mr Nugent reported specifications for the necessary work had been produced. The nature of the work included the construction of and drains and redesigning of water gulleys, the provision of an opening window to the store room, limewashing the building and provision of gutters. He reported that the structural engineers were unable to explain the exact cause of the wall crack - whether it was a fault in materials, workmanship or design of the building. However, further investigations would take place when the ceiling space was opened. It was proposed by Mr McDowall that all work undertaken by professional consultants should be on a fee paying basis. This was seconded by Mr Russell and the motion accepted by the Committee.
1983/3SBC Minutes / 23 March 1983Witley Workshop / The Director reported that the piers of Witley Workshop were in place and the back yard was currently being graded to suit. Allowances were being made for the Reigate House and Horsham Shop development scheme.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983Publicity Caravan / The Museum's publicity caravan is booked for the Surrey County Show, Cranleigh and South Eastern Agricultural Society Show, the South of England Show at Ardingly and Salvington Mill Open Day.
1983/3Members' Magazine No. 19 / March 1983West Wittering School / West Wittering School should be complete and furnished by mid-summer. J. Booker and Son are building it with stone from the coast of the Manhood Peninsula, and pointing with grey beach sand located by Hall and Co. The Television South Charitable Trust has given a grant of
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