1980/8 | Members' Magazine No. 15 / 1980 | Budget Changes make covenants easier. / The Friends Committee appeals to Friends to covenant their subscriptions. |
1980/8 | Members' Magazine No. 15 / 1980 | Future events / The main events in the future include: demonstrations of Joint Cutting by Roger Champion, and of Wooden Scaffolding by Geoff Kent; a lecture by Richard Harris on the Dismantling of Walderton; Friends AGM; Ploughman's Lunch for Stewards; Carol Service and Open Day at Charlton Farm |
1980/8 | Members' Magazine No. 16 / 1980 | Freddie / Freddie is the Museum's shire horse, coming from Whitbread's Brewery to replace Rhyme, who had to be destroyed. He pulls a 1929 farm wagon restored by the West Sussex Rural Engineering Company. He pulled a wagon lent by Tony White of Yapton carrying the Chichester Gala Queen.
Accompanied by a photo of Freddie and Les Whitecall |
1980/8 | Members' Magazine No. 15 / 1980 | Growing our own Thatch! / South Western Thatchers are growing long straw in the field next to the Museum with the co-operation of the Edward James Foundation. The grain will go to the Foundation and the straw to the South Western Thatchers. |
1980/8 | Members' Magazine No. 15 / 1980 | Progress in the Museum's Buildings Programme
A Barn for Baylef.
Boarhunt Cruck Cottage / Chris Zeuner reports that a barn near Cowfold has been given by Miss Goodman, which will be dismantled and rebuilt for Bayleaf.
Roger Champion is getting on with the repairs of Boarhunt |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Minutes of previous meeting (held on 10 August 1980?) / The minutes of the last meeting were not available and it was AGREED that a note summary of the last meeting would be inserted in the minute book, and it was not possible to discuss any 'matters arising'. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Library - Report on progress / The Director reported on progress with the library, and reminded members that the Museum was now able to accept suitable material. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Building Maintenance / Roger Champion explained the growing problem of the maintenance of exhibit buildings. A copy of his report is attached to these minutes. There was considerable discussion about the problem. The Committee AGREED the need to demonstrate to members of Council, especially those not involved with buildings and perhaps less likely to appreciate the scale of the problem faced by the Museum, the exact nature of the difficulty and its financial implications. To this end the Committee appointed a sub-committee, which would prepare a report. Members of the sub-committee would be David Russell, John Warren, Richard Harris, Alan Robson, Roger Champion, Chris Zeuner. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | West Wittering School / The Director reported that a most interesting building in West Wittering had been offered to the Museum. It was the pre-parochial school, a building 10' x 24' with a small yard and stable. It appears on the Tithe Map (1848) as a school and as such is an early example of its kind. It appeared that there would be considerable support for the project in the West Wittering area and it is thought likely that the building could be brought to store with minimal expenditure. The Committee AGREED to its acquisition. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Knatts Lane Horse Whim / The Director reported on the emergency acquisition of this most interesting example of wooden machinery. The building had collapsed and was partly burned, but sufficient for an accurate reconstruction remained. The machinery was in good condition. Mrs Hallam suggested that early efforts should be made to undertake research into the age and date of the structure. This was agreed to be important. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Lurgashall Mill / The Director reported on the progress towards operating the mill. Mr Demaus was making good progress and hopes are high that the scheme is practicable. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Toll Cottage / The Director reported on the relocation and rebuilding of the Toll Cottage. Richard Harris illustrated the new arrangement with a plan, a copy of which is attached to the minutes. The work was being undertaken by volunteers. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Catering Facilities / The Director reported that the Council of Management had agreed to proceed with a catering facility. It would provide basic refreshment, planned to create little litter, and to maintain a sympathetic image. The Director sought the approval of a site for a suitable old building, wagon shed or cattle shed on the site of the Toll Cottage. AGREED as a good site for this development. Mr Heymann commented that the Trustees of the Edward James Foundation would need to be consulted, as this project might conflict with their own intended developments. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Boarhunt / The Director reported that Boarhunt was progressing well. The timber frame was now complete and a temporary plastic roof was now protecting the structure. Over the weekend a volunteer team, supported by members of staff, were coppicing hazel in Hampshire to provide wattle for the building. The Director wished to compliment Roger Champion on the successful re-erection of the frame. The Director also informed the Committee of the date for the official opening of the building, arranged for May 15 when the Duke of Gloucester would visit the Museum and open the building. John Warren asked if there were any further thoughts on dating Boarhunt. He suggested that certain structural features should be explained in the Guide Book. |
1981/1 | SBC Minutes / 11 January 1981 | Walderton / Richard Harris reported that the site was now prepared for the building and the foundations laid. He explained that the reconstruction would follow the 17thC rebuilding. It is likely that a "good end" of the building could be finished in 17thC style especially as a contemporary inventory for the cottage was available. The other end would be used for interpretation. John Warren asked if a damp course would be inserted in the wall especially as lime mortar was to be used. After much discussion it was AGREED to leave this decision to Richard Harris and the Director. Tim Heymann requested information on the nature of the internal plaster. Richard Harris explained that the base was very "loamy" and that this was covered with a very thin lime plaster skim. The Director explained that due to the filming schedule essential work on the exterior had to be complete by the late Autumn. |
1981/11 | SBC Minutes / 29 November 1981 | Report from Richard Harris - Knepp Outhouse / Richard Harris suggested that this is discussed in the next meeting. |
1981/11 | SBC Minutes / 29 November 1981 | Catering facilities / Mr Zeuner reported that the catering facilities were completed and working satisfactorily. However, there was still a need to display a noticeboard for visitors. |
1981/11 | SBC Minutes / 29 November 1981 | Proposed Office Development / Chris Zeuner reported on the inadequacies of the present office accommodation. One office being temporary. Two offices made communication difficult. There were no washing facilities and the toilet provision was inadequate. He suggested that the Museum convert a range of cattle/wagon sheds and at a later date for a second phase add a barn which could be used for an assembly/meeting hall. The suggested site was below the catering building close to the lake. The advantages of such a building were: (a) better control of the Museum when closed; (b) deliveries would not have to negotiate the ticket kiosk when open; (c) it would release further car parking space. Other factors to be considered were the presence of a sewer there and the increasing use of the Museum after dark. Resulting from discussion the Committee approved of the new office and likes the idea of its site. AGREED informal discussions with the authorities would be beneficial before the next Site and Building \\ |
1981/11 | SBC Minutes / 29 November 1981 | Loss of Kirdford Shed by Fire / Mr Zeuner reported on the loss of this building and that one girl had been prosecuted. He raised the question of communication and our equipment and the problem of the supply of water at the further end of the site. Generally AGREED that a 250 gallon water trailer should be acquired and kept in the Gonville vicinity. |
1981/11 | SBC Minutes / 29 November 1981 | The Role of the Museum in Adult Education / This item was postponed. |