Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Summer School and Winter Use / A new venture was a Summer School for children between 6 and 15. It was well attended despite some bad weather. Lessons included smithying, drawing, painting and traditional cooking.
This winter the Museum will offer a limited opening for schools. The Goodwood Granary is a special educational room.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977The Royal Commission on Historical Documents / Robin McDowall has been associated with the Museum from the start. He describes the composition of the Royal Commission on Historic Documents and lists some of its output: "Monuments Threatened or Destroyed" (1963), "English Vernacular Houses" (1976), "A Matter of Time" (1960) and Rescue Archaeology: "The Next Time".
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Events 1977 / Events which took place in 1977: Morris dancing by Broadwood men, Singleton Silver Jubilee Party, Day Course for West Sussex County Planning Department, Guild of Sussex Craftsmen, Hurdle Making, Pottery Firing, Play Reading by New Ventures and Midhurst Grammar School, Voluntary work by H. M. S. Daedelus, Summer Party. 10th Birthday celebration and Evening Seminars.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Tenth Birthday / To avoid waste of funds only a small celebration of the tenth birthday will be held after the AGM.
A small party was held in August for the Council of Management, to which a number of helpers were invited. The function was a promotional event. A small presentation was made to Roy Armstrong.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Pottery Project / After a 2 year gap the Pottery Research Project restarted under Con Ainsworth. The work is based in the Coldwaltham Cattle Shed, which had been built by Mike Coviello. Robin Cooksey has used a kick-wheel. The kiln is a twin-flue, up-draft type
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Free Entry for Guests / Life members of the Friends may bring in 1 free guest, but ordinary members may not. Family membership includes husband, wife and children. Volunteers may bring in immediate family and 1 free guest.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Proposals for Future Programme / Mr Zeuner reported improvements at the Museum with regard to attendance figures. With reference to Maj. Gen. Hawes' request for timbers to be displayed to encourage public interest, it had been AGREED that this could possibly be incorporated into the Horsham Shop.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Winkhurst roof / Mr Rigold inquired whether any conclusions had been reached with regard to the roof on Winkhurst being thatched or tiled. AGREED thatch was the more favoured approach, with the removal of the side sprockets. Mr Armstrong reminded the Committee that the decision to do this had been taken some time previously. Mr Armstrong requested that labelling of timbers, as previously agreed, to distinguish the original timbering from others, such as conjectural timbering, be put into effect.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Siting of Sheffield and Wiston Wagon Sheds / As previously agreed, the above buildings were to be sited approximately parallel to the Forge and therefore forming a craft complex. AGREED submission of application for planning approval on Court Barn, Carpenter's Shop, Wiston and Sheffield Wagon sheds, would be effected simultaneously.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Carpenters Shop / The Museum had been offered the complete contents of a carpenter's shop, probably dating from 1842. The Committee AGREED to accept the building. AGREED the building be sited to the north of the village and south of the Horse Gin.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Treatment of Boarhunt / Mrs Hallam stated it had been generally agreed, and approved, that restoration on the original part of the building be undertaken with the "missing" end conforming largely to the size of the known end bay. Mr Harris proposed that the exterior walls of the conjectural bay be treated in the same manner as the other exterior surfaces. The interior to be close studded to accentuate the conjectural nature of this part of the building. The Committee expressed doubt as to the latter suggestion, and AGREED the walls be plain, with fixed panels for use as exhibition display. Proposals to incorporate a fire exit door, to be used in emergencies, into the building were AGREED. Mr Warren raised objections to the appearance of the recently constructed road leading to Boarhunt. He personally felt that the siting of Boarhunt was detrimental to the chalk landscape of the site. After inspection by members on site, it was AGREED to raise the foundations by the house to a higher level and to retain t \\
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Siting of Court Barn / After inspection of the proposed area, which had been staked out, members AGREED that the siting of Court Barn be approximately parallel to the Forge at a right angle.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Crawley Hall - treatment of end wall / Mr Warren suggested two possible treatments for the internal east end wall: a textured boarded wall, possibly oak, or, alternatively, a plain plaster wall. Agreement was reached that Mr Warren prepare designs for an end wall, of a boarded appearance, incorporating screen shutters (to reveal such items as a projector screen and blackboard for lecturing purposes), with a projecting base forming storage space.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Salvington Mill / A trust has been formed to restore Salvington Mill. The Worthing Council has contributed
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Crawley Hall - details of interior / AGREED the use of carpeting on the stairway would be impracticable.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977The Future / Chris Zeuner describes the longer term plan. Court Barn is next on the list, and will house an exhibition of of the work of plumbers and leadworkers. David Russell will be the architect. The Worshipful Company of Plumbers has made a contribution. After that Horsham Shop and North Cray.
The Monument Trust will support 3 craftsmen for 3 more years.
3 craftsmen have been employed for 6 months under the job Creation Scheme
Two cottages in the Warren in West Dean are being restored, one will provide accommodation for staff, and the other will be a hostel for volunteer workers.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Lavant House / Building regulations approval had been obtained. So far, work on the building was progressing satisfactorily. Mr Warren reported that tenders for heating requirements for Crawley Hall and Lavant House had been submitted to local contractors: it was hoped that three alternative quotations against the specifications would be obtained.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Safety / A note on the need for care with the use of tools by Heather Champion.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977Croydon Building / Drawings were being prepared and copies would be distributed when completed.
1977/10SBC Minutes / 2 October 1977The Platt / Mr West reported that permission had not been granted for the removal of the building and that he intended to contact Mr Elliot's daughter. In the meantime, the more recent part of the building had fallen down and further deterioration of the smoke-bay had taken place. Mr Zeuner suggested that permission be obtained for wrapping the deteriorating smoke-bay section in polythene. Mr West kindly volunteered to pursue this matter.
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