Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1976/7SBC Minutes / 11 July 1976Lavant Building - Siting / There was wide-ranging discussion of the immediate and future function of the building, with general agreement that eventual use as a dwelling was unlikely. The immediate use as a shop necessitates ready access both for museum visitors and for goods delivery. A situation on the edge of the village group was AGREED to be the best solution. Inspection of potential sites on the north of the Market Hall resulted in agreement that the building should be positioned to the north east of the Crawley building, parallel to the side road from the Market place to the Forge. After measuring the site the following detail was AGREED: a) the Crawley Building should be aligned on the north side of the Market Place with its ground line 13' from the Market Hall, and its west end extending beyond the Market Hall to a position near the gulley. This would allow space on the east of it for a twitten and one building of about 20' width; b) the Lavant building should be positioned in line with the s \\
1976/7SBC Minutes / 11 July 1976Crawley Building - Treatment of Interior / The Director raised the issue of the choice between standard modern equipment and more rustic styles. Mr Warren recommended simple joinery staircases, and modern fittings with rustic encasing in oak, after the style used in the present Museum Office. He suggested that a good guiding principle for selection should be items of sympathetic materials and of non-committing styles. More information will be obtained on types and styles of chairs, etc.
Mr Warren would be grateful for information about the amount of filing space required with detail of the numbers of stacks for books and the length of shelving. Mr Newell commented on the use of the meeting room and suggested the need to move and stack furniture should be particularly remembered. Planning Permission for the building has been received and the architects' plans are ahead of the carpenter's work. A special meeting will be arranged between Messrs. Warren, Zeuner and Harris to arrange the detail of lighting \\
1976/7SBC Minutes / 11 July 1976Chairmanship of this Committee / Mr Warren stated that because, as Hon. Architect to the Museum, he was so often deeply involved in the subjects of the Committee's discussions, he experienced difficulty in doing justice to the matters which concerned him in that role and at the same time acting with the detachment of the chairman. Since Mr McDowall has been able to resume his membership of the Committee, members might consider it appropriate to request him to become once again its chairman. Mr Warren would welcome the opportunity to speak more freely on matters where his position in the Museum's administration made it desirable. Mr McDowall indicated his willingness to become Chairman and members were very pleased to elect him to that position. Members expressed their gratitude to Mr Warren for his patience and expertise in guiding them through what had often been widely-ranging discussions of complicated issues, and looked forward to the benefit of his informed opinion in future debates. The meeting c \\
1976/7SBC Minutes / 11 July 1976Wheelwright's Shop / The Director reported that Mr Plewis has nearly completed the layout out of the tools ands furnishings. His personal involvement has led to a feeling of authenticity which will undoubtedly be admired.
1976/7SBC Minutes / 11 July 1976Netherhale / The result of the official Enquiry is not yet known, but Corpus Christi have agreed to increase their commitment to
1976/7SBC Minutes / 11 July 1976List of types of buildings desirable for Museum acquisition / Col. Jefferis proposed that the Committee should discuss and compile such a list.
1976/7SBC Minutes / 11 July 1976Daub / Mr Warren reported on the experimental work on daub which is being organised in conjunction with international research on the preservation of mud buildings. At the Museum, some panels of daub have been given various treatments and the effects are being monitored in agreement with similar experiments elsewhere.
1976/7SBC Minutes / 11 July 1976Council of Management - Working Party Draft Reports / The Director described the intention of the policy statements which are being compiled from discussions of various aspects of the Museum's activities. The document is being produced in sections some of which will concern this committee. The draft statements will be circulated for consideration and debate by this Committee before being decided.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Help! / The Director wants a Volunteer Organiser
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977New format / The newsletter is in its new format to reduce the work of duplication and stapling over 1300 newsletters.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Buildings in Store and Visitors / Chris Zeuner lists the buildings in store: Horsham Shop, Sole Street, Little Winkhurst, Court Barn, Tindall Cottage, Sheffield Park Saw Pit, Wiston Waggon Shed, Ashurst Granary, Chilcomb Granary, Bexley Hall House and Goodwood Sheds. And those to be dismantled: Netherhale Farm, Fountains Farm Barn, the Platt Cottage and Woking Carpenter's Shop.
There was a decline in visitor numbers, the total being 128 334
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Seminars 1978 / There will be 6 evening seminars in 1978
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Looking Backwards- Looking Fiorwards / John Lowe, who is retiring, reports on the first 10 years of the Museum.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977A tour for 1978. Home or Abroad? / A note asking the Friends if they want a tour in 1978, and if so when and where?
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977British Association / The Museum is now a member of the British Association of Friends of Museums.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977A.I.M. / Chris Zeuner reports that an Association of Independent Museums was set up in June 1977 after addresses by Lord Donaldson and Neil Cossons.
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Accounts of the Friends / The accounts for the years 1976 and 1977 are given; the assets at the end of those years were
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Congratulations / Roger Champion and Heather Jackson were married in the autumn
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Grants / Grants received. Monument Trust (for Lavant and 3 craftsmen), King George V Jubilee Trust (for education), Victoria and Albert Museum (for Crawley Hall), Gosport & Fareham Conservative Association (for Court Barn), Kleinwort Trust (for Crawley Hall), Worshipful Company of Carpenters, Idlewild Trust (for Boarhunt), Peter Minet Trust (for electrical services).
1977/10Members' Magazine No.10 / Autumn 1977Financial Summary / The summary is for the 15 month period ending in March 1977. Income
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