Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Hurdle Fence / Will be constructed between the Toll Cottage and the main entrance to discourage pedestrians from by-passing the ticket kiosk.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Selsey Waggon Shed / This was blown down during the recent storm and is not worth repairing.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Entrance Roadway / The surface has not stood up to the considerable wear; it is now considered essential for the length between the entrance gate and the ticket kiosk to be finished with tarmac and chippings.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Tree Planting / The first stage is starting. Edward James' personal Arborist has volunteered to help with the planting.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Crawley Building / Mr Champion is starting on the overhaul of the timbers.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Workshop / Removal to the railway cutting is now complete.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Lurgashall Mill / Two men will be employed on the stone work during the summer.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Director's Report on Projects in Hand - Pendean / Will be complete within two months. Some special 6" x 6" tiles are being made. A hawthorn hedge is being planted.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Longterm plan for landscaping and tree planting / Matters arising from previous meeting (28.9.75): Mr Heymann suggested that Scots Pine as referred to in the note on Zone 3 would be highly unsuitable for the soil. AGREED the previous decision was an expression of outline aims and would have to be adapted to meet particular conditions. Zone 7: Mr Warren's plan suggested a possibility which involved fundamental issues concerning the admission of the public. AGREED these would be considered in a wider context as a separate issue.
1976/1SBC Minutes / 4 January 1976Car Park / The Director reported on the proposals to arrange a wattle fence to deflect pedestrians from entering the Museum without passing the ticket kiosk. The proposal to collect admission fees at an entrance to the exhibition area (after the parking of cars) would need considerable thought. There are obvious disadvantages of channelling people into a narrow route. Concentration of service buildings around Hambrook Barn would be undesirable. There may be a case for arranging access at some point away from the car park, but there remained the general objection to providing an open car park in what was a recognisable recreation district. AGREED the whole question should be considered with a revision of the Master Plan.
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Chairman's Notes / A 2 page account of Geoffrey Godber's early association with Roy Armstrong and the Museum. There were early problems about siting. John Cripps, Chairman of the Countryside Commission, agreed to treat the Museum as a Country Park. Godber succeeded Mr Farmer as Chairman of the Council of Management in 1975.
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Crawley Hall / Drawing by John Wararen of Roger Champion repairing timbers
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Museum Committee / Council of management
J. R. Armstrong, Miss C. E. Barson, D. S. W. Blacker, W. G. D. Cox, J. A. Farmer, Mrs M. J. Hallam, M. Holdsworth, K. C. Leslie, P. Longley, J. E. Lowe, R. W. McDowall, D. O. Russell, S. D. Sainsbury, B. W. Smead, Vice Admiral Sir Geoffrey Thisleton-Smith. J. C. T. Warren, Mrs P. West, N. L. West.
Finance & General Purposes Committee
G. C. Godber, J. R. Armstrong, Mrs M. J. Hallam, Major General L. A. Hawes, K. C. Leslie, J. E. Lowe, W. L. West.
Building and Site Planning Advisory Committee. R. W. McDowell (Chairman), J. R. Armstrong, R. Champion. Mrs M. J. Hallam, E. S. Harris, Major General L. A. Hawes, H. Heymann, Lt. Col. G. M. Jeffris, G Newell, S. E. Rigold, D. O. Russell, I. West, P. J. Tester
Archaeological Committee
J. G. Hurst (Chairman), P. Addyman, J. R. Armstrong, Mrs. M. J. Hallam, Miss J. Harding, E. W. Holden, D. Johnston, G. Newell, S. E. Rigold, P. J. Tester.
Friends Committee
Major General L. A. Hawes (Chairman), J. R. Armstrong, Miss \\
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Museum News / Another increase in the number of visitors.
Pendean and the Watersfield Stable have been completed. Mr Plewis advised on the layout of the stable.
The Mill's stonework is under way: the wheel pit is complete. Mr Lee of Midhurst, who installed the machinery in 1911, will give advice. The lake is nearly full; it has been planted and is being stocked with mallards by Ian Odin.
Crawley Hall is under way.
A waggon shed at Wiston is being dismantled.
Home Counties Dairies Limited have presented the Museum with a milk float, which will be used for site maintenance.
A new water main has been installed.
The Council of Management has decided to appoint a member of staff responsible for maintenance.
The Museum of the Year award has been passed on to the Gladstone Pottery Museum.
A calendar for 1977 is on sale.
Newspaper salvage continues.
Horsham slab is needed for Crawley Hall's roof
Opening will be from 1st April, and on Sundays and Boxing Day in the winter.
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Museum Diary / Friends' A. G. M. , Carol Service, Friends' seminar, Briefing Session for Stewards. Opening on 26, 27 and 28 December
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Building of the Library, Record and Research Collection / Roy Armstrong writes four pages describing the principal objectives of the Museum to be a centre for research and the way in which layout of Crawley Hall is based on this. He writes of the scope and limit of the library and research materials, and encourages Friends to supply material.
1976/10SBC Minutes / 24 October 1976Sheffield Park Saw Pit / AGREED to accept the offer by Lord Sackville of this small building, probably constructed between 1800 and 1810 or perhaps later, which covered a timber-lined saw pit. It was probably originally enclosed fully on one side and half way along the other two sides, allowing timber to be rolled in from the fourth side. The building was in a dilapidated condition and would require an urgent dismantling job. The Director explained that this building of lesser quality than those usually considered by the committee was being put forward for acquisition because of its suitability for housing an exhibition on timber conversion techniques. Photographic work and equipment already in store at the Museum might be used in the exhibition. It was thought the building might be re-erected in the forge-stable complex.
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Education Service / 1 page article by Heather Jackson (later Heather Champion) on the Education Service. A loan service of Museum publications, film strips etc. was available for and used by schools. Several schools visited the Museum, but there was trouble with overcrowding occasionally.
Most schools were well prepared, using the Museum Teaching Kit.
Two groups of schools stayed near for three ot four days to carry out practical work on site.
The Museum will open on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the winter for booked schools.
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Freinds' News / A party was held on 10th July.
Mrs Bury gave her library to the Museum before leaving the area
The Friends are giving
1976/10Members' Magazine No. 8 / Autumn 1976Local History through Documents / Kim Leslie continues his articles on local history through documents, discussing tithe maps and awards.
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