Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001Museum's building images join photographic database project / Heritage Lottery Fund are developing West Sussex Photo Heritage Database Martin Hayes, Worthing Library. 01903 212414
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001Enhancing our visitors' experience / Thanks to regular demonstrators and volunteers who add rural skills. Blacksmiths, woodcraftsmen, lead workers, millers, brick makers, stable volunteers, spinners, and cooks.
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001Inspiring the young / Diane Walker reports that 2000 children participated in Winter Workshop with much help from volunteers. Next winter a Medieval winter workshop. Grant-aided by Close Foundation, trollies have been completed to house building materials activities. Farming tours to Home Farm at Goodwood planned. Also 17 C focusing on Civil War side by side with Goodwood.
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001Museum Mill plays its part in Cornmillers Guild / Peter and Heather Vincent have represented the Lurgashall Mill at meetings of The Traditional Cornmillers Guild.
The Guild produced a Calendar for 2000 and two recipe books which are on sale in the shop and the mill.
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001The Painting of historic brick / A 3 page article by Timothy Easton. Irregular brickwork was covered with red ochre & size (rodel or ruddle), the pointing scored then painted white, cf fresco. 15 & 16 C scoring with blunt trowels, 17 C more precise. Technique called pencilling. Hampton Court has black pencilling.
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001Friends' News / Day trips to Staplehill, Oxford, Somerset House, Salisbury, Kensington & Chelsea. Spring tour to Edinburgh & Glasgow. AGM in West Dean House 21 April. Spring lunch in the Refectory, Easebourne Priory; Michaelmas supper in Sole Street; A Midsummer Night's Dream by Illyria. Apply Carol Brinson
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001News in Brief / Revival harvest scene incorporates Goodwood race circuit.
Copper family will sing on 27th October.
Midsummer Night's Dream by the lake on 19th June.
Gordon Rushmer runs a 5 day school on painting from 21st May.
More volunteers wanted for cataloguing.
The Friends have funded an extension to Longport. Another extension to Crawley Hall is planned for this year to house archives
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001Monumental task reaps rich reward / John Herniman took over preparing horseshoes for sale in the shop from Bernard Rush in 1993, and he has cleaned and polished 23,216 horseshoes producing some
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001Painting & plastering brickwork at the Museum / A 2 page article by Richard Harris on painting brickwork on the Museum's builings. Chimney in Longport had indications of pencilling, now preserved but not used in rebuild. Lavant may have had moulding plastered, evidence being sought. Titchfield was probably ruddled, but all evidence lost in 1810 rebuild. Pendean will have fireplaces ruddled & pencilled.
2001/4Magazine / Spring 2001Supporters / Major donations include: B. P. Energy Holdings; Carpenters Company Charitable Trust; Chichester District Council; Chichester & District Law Society; Clare Foundation; Clarendon Trust; John Coates Charitable Trust; John Ellerman Fiundation; Esmee Fairbairn Charitable Trust; Estates of D. R. Baum, Miss M. Samwas, A. R. Killick, R. F. Cope, H. Richardson, J. M. Turner; Friends; J. Paul Getty Jr Trust; Heritage Lottery Fund; Ian Askew Trust; Idlewild Trust; Jackson-Stops & Staff; Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust; Kleinwort Benson Investment Management Ltd; Mercers Company; Mitford Foulerton Trust; Peacock Charitable Trust; Pilgrim Trust; J. R. Rank; J. S Trust; Plumbers Museum & Workshop Trust; Mrs M. Rank Charitable Trust; Radcliffe Trust; Resource Council for Museums, Libraries and Archives (Designation Challenge Fund); Southern Counties Heavy Horse Association; South Eastern Museum Services; Sussex Enterprises; Tanner Trust; Union Railway (South) Ltd. ; Wates Foundation; West Sussex County Co \\
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002New Curatorappointed as collections move into Downland Gridshell / Julian Bell is the new curator, in charge of the collections in their new home in Gridshell. He comes from the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich. Pictures of Mike Wall, John Hurd and Mike Piggott with items in the new gridshell store.
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 20022002 -The year in pictures / Gridshell & its storage space; Bayleaf's & Poplar's gardens; barn owl in Court Barn; Derek Hinton, Peter Betsworth, Alan Wood and Patricia Wilkinson with working horses; Chris Baldwin with oxen; annual conference of Carpenters' Federation; the Museum's collection in Gridshell; candle making; Toll house in snow; memorial tablet to Chris Zeuner.
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002Courses programme 2002-03 / 75 courses between November and May inclusive. Leaders: Richard Harris, Verna Bailey, Joe Thompson, Brian Ridout, Guy Bagshaw, Ged Gardiner, Charles Brooking, Deborah Albon, John Booker, Paul Pinnington, Chris Baldwin, Christina Stapley, Linda Burden, David Woodbridge, Bob Holman, James Strike, Effie Galletly, Gerard Lynch, David Bland, Dawn Stevens, Nigel Johnston, David Russell, Chris Smith, Neil Burridge, Jackson Stops & Staff, Joy Huning, Wilm Huning. Jan Britz
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002Holding our own / Gail Kittle reports that this year has been a struggle
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002Horses' Role / Heavy horses managed by Diana Zeuner with Derek Hilton as horseman. Pete Betsworth, the stockman, plays vital part. Aim is to show horses at work to the visitors
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002Winter Wednesdays / Winter Wednesdays now on offer to selected companies or professional practices. Education continues to work on Wednesdays.
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002Mike Wall / Richard Harris writes that Mike Wall has been involved in the last 3 years in preparing for the move of the collection
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002Friends' News and Obituaries / Spring tour on 24-28 April 2003 will be to Bruges, with Jean Piggott in charge. Keith & Beryl Bickmore were elected as Honorary Members. Encourage Gift Membership. Jean Piggott is Secretary, Maurice Pollock is Treasurer, Membership Secretary is Lisa Neville. Summer draw raised
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002Winter at the Museum / Tree Dressing on 1st December, Carol Service 16th December
2002/10Magazine / Autumn 2002New Retail Manager appointed / Paul Maxted is new retail manager
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