Museum History
(3830 Records)

 Yr/Mo   Origin   Summary 
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992East Dean Reveals its History / Richard Pailthorpe says that the game larder which the Museum got recently was used by the local rabbit catcher. He also reports the discovery of a pot deliberately buried in the inglenook fireplace of Droke Farmhouse
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Findon for Sheep Hurdles / With the help of
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992The View from Here. Never a dull Moment in the Museum Office / Lynn Shaw gives a light-hearted description of the many facets of office life, which are especial to the Museum.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Probate Inventories in 16th Century Kent / An article by Richard Harris about the work he did for the Bayleaf Project studying inventories in the Kent Record Office, including a copy of an extract from one, with a clarifying version.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Museum Staff and Friends in Europe / Richard Harris joined the annual conference of Arbeitskreis fur Hausforschung in Germany last year, and then joined the the Museum's party visiting Bokrik, Detmold and Arhem, led by Chris Zeuner and organised by Richard Pailthorpe.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Encouraging Best Ptactice in Timber-Framing Repair / Richard Harris started work in timber frames with F. W. B. Charles and Gunolt Greiner in Worcester and Birmingham. The Museum started with Gunolt Greiner and Roger Champion on Winkhurst. Freddie Charles has written something on this work. A working party, under the aegis of the International Coucncil on Monuments and Sites Wood Committee has been meeting. The Museum has decided to start 3-day courses led by Richard Harris, Peter McCurdy and Roger Champion.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Museum Expands its Building-Related Collections / Bob Powell lists a number of recent items collected, including several bill hooks. [For full detials see the original]
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Coppicing Plan Continues / The maintenance of the Museum's hazel coppice with hornbeam standards continues. A large harvest of hazel will be used for spar making, fencing and firewood. Some hornbeams have been pollarded , and some have been blown down.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992J.R.Armstrong Considers the Museum's Effect on Modern Building / Roy Armstrong writes a short article suggesting that the Museum may help builders avoid pseudo timber-framing.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Museum receives
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 19921992 Special Events Offer Sponsorship Opportunities to Local Farms. / An appeal for sponsors for the special events in 1992, The sponsors last year included: Observer Series newspapers, West Sussex Gazette, Nationwide Anglia Building Society, West Sussex County Council, National Westminster Bank, Goodrowes of Chichester, SCATS, Deosan Ltd. , Chichester Tractors, Stride and Sons, Downhurst Farm, Cyanamid of Great Britain, Humberts, Karova Farms, Pauls Agriculture and Carringdale. Contact Richard Pailthorpe
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Events Diary / Principal Events for 1992 include: Traditional Food Fair; Novice Sheepdog Trials; Heavy Horses; Building Conservation Exhibition; Rare Breeds, Penny Royal Theatre; Children's Activity Weekend; Steam Threshing etc.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Library Catalogues on Computer / The Museum Library was catalogued on an Apple II computer. Richard Harris has copied the contents on his IBM computer. It is available on request to anyone who has an IBM computer.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Museum Prepares New Corporate Plan / The Museums and Galleries Commission Registration Scheme requires every Museum to prepare a forward plan, and make arrangements for its updating. We are doing this.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Downland Nativity / An adaptation of the medieval Mystery Plays will be performed in December. Contact Moira Hickling
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Museum's Role in Goodwood Country Park Project / The Goodwood Estate is extending its Country Park to include the Trundle Hill iron age fort. This includes a renovation of Seven Points House at a cost of
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Visitor Attractions Code of Practice / The English Tourist Board has introduced a national code of practice for visitor attractions. The Museum, a member of the South East England Tourist Board, will be registering this year.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Hands-On Our Vernacular Architecture! / Thanks to the award of
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992James Farmer / James Farmer, the first Chairman, has died.
1992/3Magazine Vol. 3 No. 8 / March 1992Livery Companies Aid Museum Appeal / The Museum held an open day for Livery Companies last year, with Martin Caroe welcoming 70 representatives. Donations have been received from the Coachmakers, Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Constructors, Coks and Tallow Chandlers Companies.
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