17604 | D J O Brandt | The manufacture of iron and steel | 1960 |
17603 | Nigel Nixon and Josselin Hill | Water power | 1987 |
17602 | Stanley Works (G.B.) Ltd | A brief history of the woodworker's plane | 1961? |
17601 | C H Ward-Jackson and Denis Harvey | The English gypsy caravan : its origins, builders, technology and conservation | 1972 |
17600 | Jean-Paul Clebert | The gypsies | 1963 |
176 | D Smith | English windmills V2 | 1932 |
17599 | Denis Harvey | The gypsies wagon-time and after | 1979 |
17598 | Brian Bowers | R. E. B. Crompton : an account of his electrical work | 1969 |
17597 | Norman Smith | Man and water : a history of hydro-technology | 1976 |
17596 | H W Dickinson | The garret workshop of James Watt | 1949 |
17595 | Louis C Hunter | Waterpower : a history of industrial power in the United States, 1780-1930. Volume One : waterpower in the century of the steam engine | 1979 |
17594 | Peter Stanier | Cornwall's mining heritage | 1988 |
17593 | Fred H Crossley | English church craftsmanship : an introduction to the work of the medieval period and some account of later developments | 1941 |
17592 | George Ellis | Modern practical carpentry for the use of workmen, builders, architects and engineers | 1927 |
17591 | Issued by The Timber Development Association Ltd | The architect's dictionary of wood | ? |
17590 | B Alwyn Jay | Timber : an outline of the structure, properties and utilization of timber as illustrated by a special exhibition held in the Science Museum - Decembe\\ | 1937 |
17589 | Eleanor Roe | Practical woodcarving Part 1 : elementary woodcarving (in which "Hints on Wood-Carving" is embodied) | 1918 |
17588 | Sheila Parker et al | Working with wood : background information. Science 5/13 | 1969 |
17587 | F Gordon Roe | English cottage furniture | 1961 |
17586 | Ralph Fastnedge | English furniture styles from 1500 to 1830 | 1955 |