Monographs, offprints & references
(24458 Records)

 Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year 
9132Derek Stidder & Colin SmithWatermills of Sussex (Volume I East Sussex)1997
9131compiled by Lawrence StevensPolegate windmill souvenir guide1974
9129Clement W BendingLife in medieval England1973
9128A G WoodcockThe art of flint knapping : a study of man's progress through history
9127Hugo Brunner and J Kenneth MajorWater raising by animal power / Industrial Archaeology, 9 No.21972
9124A K Shaw and K W HamlinNutley windmill restoration1974
9122Peter EllacottThe poor of the parish and the work of the Westbourne Select Vestries 1819-18351986
9119James AyresBuilding in timber : the American tradition 1680-19801993
9118edited by Caroline AdamsRecipes from the archives : a selection of old-fashioned recipes from the West Sussex Record Office1996
9116Steinar SorensenMangletreet : Glatteredskap og festegave [mangles : smoothing tool and special gift]1996?
9114Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and FoodThe appearance of farm buildings in the landscape1972
9113Kiln Owners' AssociationAdvantages and necessity for kiln dried timber1964?
9112RenoforsApplication of polymerchemical restoration systems
9111Pynford LtdUnderpin, jack up or move buildings. Technical information folder1964
9110Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and FoodFarm buildings pocketbook in metric : some useful advice giving standards, dimensions and data in metric for those interested in the design of farm bu\\ 1976
9108C WarrenThe land is yours1944
9107Freda DerrickA traveller among the farms1936
9106Edwin Mould (Ralph Whitlock)Round Roundbarrow Farm1946
9103Charles L CawoodVintage tractors1980
9102Harold BonnetTraction engines19985
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