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Ref - 14185 | Martin Higgins | An aisled hall house : DBRG visit to Nurstead Court, Meopham, Kent / DBRG News, June : 91 | 2002 |
Ref - 14185 | Caroline Martin | Detached kitchens / DBRG News, June : 91 | 2002 |
Ref - 14185 | Richard Woodhouse | "Practical Measuring and Recording of Historic Buildings" / DBRG News, June : 91 | 2002 |
Ref - 14184 | Rod Wild | A rare, very early house - Tigbourne Farm / DBRG News, January : 90 | 2002 |
Ref - 14184 | Martin Higgins | Detached kitchens of the South East / DBRG News, January : 90 | 2002 |
Ref - 14184 | Martin Higgins | Plants used in old cottages - practical and ritual uses: report on lecture by Chris Howkins / DBRG News, January : 90 | 2002 |
Ref - 14184 | Victoria Houghton | Singleton - Monday 19th November 2001 / DBRG News, January : 90 | 2002 |
Ref - 14183 | Paul Dyer | Dendrochronology : problems and possibilites / DBRG News, January : 93 | 2003 |
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Ref - 14171 | Julanne Arnold | Tools and trade practices of joiners and carpenters (as found in probated wills and inventories in the Archdeaconry of Suffolk 1600-1702) / TATHS Journal, 13 | 2002 |
Ref - 14170 | Verwood and District Potteries Trust | "Pots, Brooms and Hurdles from the Heathlands" / TATHS Newsletter, Winter : 79 | 2002 |
Ref - 14170 | Martin Wainwright | Vintage tools go on world tour / TATHS Newsletter, Winter : 79 | 2002 |
Ref - 14169 | Richard Maude | Philip Walker's tools at the Weald and Downland Museum / TATHS Newsletter, Autumn : 78 | 2002 |
Ref - 14169 | Richard Maude | Brushes and brush making / TATHS Newsletter, Autumn : 78 | 2002 |
Ref - 14169 | Percy Blandford | Rope / TATHS Newsletter, Autumn : 78 | 2002 |
Ref - 14169 | Brian Read | Turpentine, not white spirits / TATHS Newsletter, Autumn : 78 | 2002 |
Ref - 14164 | Aylin Orbasli | Is tourism governing conservation in historic towns? / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 6 No. 3 | 2000 |
Ref - 1412 | Stephen Coffin | A Hampshire staddle stone / Hampshire Archaeology and Local History News, 2 : 1 | 1971 |
Ref - 1412 | J H Thomas | Fire damage and the Hampshire paper industry, 1670-1870 / Hampshire Archaeology and Local History News, 2 : 1 | 1971 |