Monographs, offprints & references
(24458 Records)

 Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year 
Ref - 15693Jon StobartThe economic and social worlds of rural craftsmen-retailers in eighteenth century Cheshire / Agricultural History Review, 52 : Part II2004
Ref - 1569W H BlaauwWakehurst, Slaugham, and Gravetye / Sussex Archaeological Collections, X1858
Ref - 1569Mark Antony LowerOn certain inns and inn-signs in Sussex / Sussex Archaeological Collections, X1858
Ref - 1569William Durrant CooperSmuggling in Sussex / Sussex Archaeological Collections, X1858
Ref - 15689Deborah Slaton and Kyle C NormandinMasonry cleaning technologies : overview of current practice and techniques / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 11 : 32005
Ref - 15689Martin Stancliffe, Inge De Witte and Eddy De WitteSt. Paul's Cathedral : poultice cleaning of the interior / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 11 : 32005
Ref - 15689Joseph Sembrat, Patty Miller, Jee Skavdahl and Lydia FrenzelConservation of historic metals by waterjetting techniques / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 11 : 32005
Ref - 15689Martin CooperLaser cleaning of sculpture, monuments and architectural detail / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 11 : 32005
Ref - 15688Allyson McDermottWallpapers / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 11 : 12005
Ref - 15688Nigel Dann and Timothy CantellMaintenance : from philosophy to practice / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 11 : 12005
Ref - 15688Nick Thomson and Phil BanfillCorrugated-iron buildings : an endangered resource within the built heritage / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 11 : 12005
Ref - 15687Alan ForsterHot-lime mortars : a current perspective / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 10 : 32004
Ref - 15686Caroline Ware et alTom's Wood : the history and development of new woodland in north west Hampshire / Hampshire Studies : Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society, 602005
Ref - 15683John HarrisIs Chiswick a 'Palladian' garden? / Garden History, 32 : 12004
Ref - 15683Sally Jeffery'The Flower of All the Private Gentlemens Palaces in England' : Sir Stephen Fox's 'Extraordinarily Fine' garden at Chiswick / Garden History, 32 : 12004
Ref - 15682John PhibbsThe Englishness of Lancelot "Capability" Brown / Garden History, 31 : 22003
Ref - 15682Carole FrySpanning the political divide : neo-Palladianism and the early eighteenth-century landscape / Garden History, 31 : 22003
Ref - 15681Winifred HarwoodThe household of Winchester College in the later middle ages 1400-1560 / Hampshire Studies, 592004
Ref - 15681Edward RobertsMedieval Hambledon Manor : chambers for bishops and their stewards / Hampshire Studies, 592004
Ref - 15679Abby AntrobusLuminescence dating of brick chimneys / Vernacular Architecture, 35, pp 21-312004
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