Ref - 9525 | John Stewart | The political economy of agrarian education : England in the late 19th century / The Agricultural History Review, 42 Part II | 1994 |
Ref - 9525 | Jan Titow | Lost rents, vacant holdings and the contraction of peasant cultivation after the black death / The Agricultural History Review, 42 Part II | 1994 |
Ref - 9525 | V J Morris and D J Orton | Lists of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1993 / The Agricultural History Review, 42 Part II | 1994 |
Ref - 9524 | M A Atkin | Land use and management in the upland demesne of the De Lacy Estate of Blackburnshire, c. 1300 / The Agricultural History Review, 42 Part I | 1994 |
Ref - 9524 | Alun Howkins | Peasants, servants and labourers : the marginal work force in British agriculture, c. 1870-1914 / The Agricultural History Review, 42 Part I | 1994 |
Ref - 9523 | Jennifer Baker | Tithe rent-charge and the measurement of agricultural production in mid-19th century England and Wales / The Agricultural History Review, 41 Part II | 1993 |
Ref - 9523 | Ian Ward | The humble response of the hired lackey : a reply to Hoyle / The Agricultural History Review, 41 Part II | 1993 |
Ref - 9523 | W M Mathew | Marling in British agriculture : a case of partial identity / The Agricultural History Review, 41 Part II | 1993 |
Ref - 9522 | T L Richardson | The agricultural labourers' standard of living in Lincolnshire, 1790-1840 : social protest and public order / The Agricultural History Review, 41 Part I | 1993 |
Ref - 9522 | Bruce M S Campbell | A fair field once full of folk : agrarian change in an era of population decline 1348-1500 / The Agricultural History Review, 41 : Part I | 1993 |
Ref - 9521 | David L Farmer | Millstones for medieval manors / The Agricultural History Review, 40 Part II | 1992 |
Ref - 9521 | Alun Howkins | Social history and agricultural history / The Agricultural History Review, 40 Part II | 1992 |
Ref - 9521 | R W Hoyle | Some reservations on Dr. Ward on the "Rental Policy of the English Peerage, 1649-60 / The Agricultural History Review, 40 Part II | 1992 |
Ref - 9521 | June A Sheppard | Small farms in a Sussex Weald parish, 1800-1860 / The Agricultural History Review, 40 Part II | 1992 |
Ref - 9521 | Jean Birrell | Deer and deer farming in medieval England / The Agricultural History Review, 40 Part II | 1992 |
Ref - 9520 | Maurice Beresford | "The Spade Might Soon Determine It" : the representation of deserted medieval villages on Ordnance Survey Plans, 1849-1910 / The Agricultural History Review, 40 Part I | 1992 |
Ref - 9520 | Ian Ward | Rental policy on the estates of the English peerage, 1649-1660 / The Agricultural History Review, 40 Part I | 1992 |
Ref - 9519 | John Chapman | The later Parliamentary enclosures of south Wales / The Agricultural History Review, 39 Part II | 1991 |
Ref - 9519 | M A Barg | The social structure of manorial freeholders : an analysis of the Hundred Rolls of 1279 / The Agricultural History Review, 39 Part II | 1991 |
Ref - 9519 | Christopher Currie | The early history of the carp and its economic significance in England / The Agricultural History Review, 39 Part II | 1991 |