Monographs, offprints & references
(24458 Records)

 Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year 
19361William CastleHorses and machines : getting the job done. Part 2 / Heavy Horse World, Spring2004
19360Doug JoinerHorse logging in Britain - 2 / Heavy Horse World, Winter2004
19359Cheryl GroverDriving a single horse : Part 2 - driving your turnout / Heavy Horse World, Winter2004
19358Robert SampsonHorses and machines : getting the job done / Heavy Horse World, Winter2004`
19357Charlie PinneyDon't give up on the horse Part 2 / Heavy Horse, Autumn2004
19356Rory SpencerA tip cart comes back to life / Heavy Horse World, Summer2003
19355Chris WadsworthThe bog job. Part 1 [horse loggers working at Askham Bog] / Heavy Horse World, Summer2003
19354Charlie PinneyDon't give up on the horse / Heavy Horse World, Summer2003
19353Jonathan MillerPercherons arrive in Surrey / Heavy Horse World, Summer2003
19352Mike WallDown memory Llane to Muckross traditional farms / Heavy Horse World, Summer2003
19344Building Conservation JournalTimber! An ancient craft is alive and well in the UK / RICS Building Conservation Journal, 452007
19343Derek Hamilton and Peter MarshallUsing tree-ring dating to understand historic timberwork / The Archaeologist, 552005
19342Phil ThomasRecording cathedrals, abbeys and churches : new techniques on old buildings / The Archaeologist, 552005
19341Steve Trow and Jeremy LakeHistoric farm buildings : assets or liabilities? / The Archaeologist, 552005
19340edited by Carl R LounsburyAn illustrated glossary of early southern architecture and landscape1999
19339Carl R LounsburyThe courthouses of early Virginia : an architectural history2005
19318Alan WatersBurnt offerings / The World of Interiors, December1992
19317G F ClarkeTraditional crafts : the saddler / Cottage Country, Issue 91989
19312Mike PrestageThatching reed growers say imports are the last straw / The Independent, 10 July1990
19311Edward LongThe thatchers get their straw vote / Farmers Weekly, May1990
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