4971 | J T Smith | RCHM and architectural investigation / Royal Commission on Historic Monuments Annual Review | 1984-85 |
4970 | F E Matley Moore | Painted cloths / Transactions of the Worcester Archaeological Society, 8 | 1982 |
4969 | Gwyn I Meirion-Jones | Orthostat walling in Brittany / Antiquity, 58 | 1984 |
4968 | Rita Blakeney | Fishbourne, a village history | 1984 |
4966 | Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse | La maison paysanne Alsacienne : tradition, innovations, perspectives : Bulletin de la Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse. Numero 3 No.786 | 1982 |
4965 | Antoine Gardner, Marc Grodwohl | La Maison paysanne du Sundgau | 1979 |
4964 | B Heidet | La Maison Rurale du Territoire de Belfort | 1985 |
4963 | Maisons Paysannes d'Alsace | A la decouverte des maisons d'Alsace : guide de l'Ecomusee de Haute-Alsace | 1984 |
4961 | Ministry of Agriculture | Farm buildings : post-war building studies N17 | 1945 |
4960 | Rachel Hellier and Stephen Moorhouse | Medieval agriculture | ? |
4959 | Sarah Pearson | Rural houses of the Lancashire Pennines 1560 to1760 | 1985 |
4958 | edited by Della Hooke | Medieval villages : a review of current work | 1985 |
4957 | Jack Sobon and Roger Schroeder | Timber frame construction : all about post and beam building | 1984 |
4954 | Kurt Droge | Die Schule aus Thoningsen [the school from Thoningsen] : Westfalisches Freilichtmuseum Detmold [Westphalian Open Air Museum Detmold] | 1984 |
4952 | Barbara Hutton | The Old Vicarage Church Fenton / The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 56 | 1984 |
4951 | compiled by Eric Gee; edited by Michael McGarvie | A glossary of building terms : used in England from the Conquest to c.1550 | 1984 |
4950 | Roxana McDonald | The fireplace book | 1984 |
4949 | John Woodforde | Georgian houses for all | 1985 |
4948 | Elizabeth Eames | English medieval tiles | 1985 |
4947 | Philip Riden | Local history : handbook for beginners | 1983 |