Monographs, offprints & references
(24458 Records)

 Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year 
Ref - 1256Saving the dovecote tower of Groby / The Civic Trust News, No.701978
Ref - 1256Recording architectural history in Ludlow / The Civic Trust News, No. 701978
Ref - 12548Andrew BarryBrickwork at the Peyton Randolph Complex : hands-on research molds brick trades expertise / Colonial Williamsburg Journal, XXI : 61999/2000
Ref - 12548W Barksdale MaynardIf walls could talk : Williamsburg's historic brickwork : the careful study of Restoration architects revealed the secrets of a structural decorative \\ / Colonial Williamsburg Journal, XXI : 61999/2000
Ref - 12548Ed CrewsThe blacksmiths' ballet : "a dance that must be graceful and well choreographed" / Colonial Williamsburg Journal, XXI : 61999/2000
Ref - 12537David MortonConserving 20th century buildings / Context, March : 652000
Ref - 12521RICSDeathwatch beetle : results of research / Building Conservation Journal : RICS Building Conservation Forum, Winter : 211998/99
Ref - 12521David WattConsolidation and repair of ruined churches / Building Conservation Journal : RICS Building Conservation Forum, Winter : 211998/99
Ref - 12520Sara LuntSaving ancient tiles / Conservation Bulletin, 361999
Ref - 12514R J Moore-ColyerAspects of the trade in British pedigree draft horses with the United States and Canada, circa 1850-1920 / The Agricultural History Review, 48 Part I2000
Ref - 12514Jane Whittle and Margaret Yates"Pays Reel or Pays Legal"? Contrasting patterns of land tenure and social structure in Eastern Norfolk and Western Berkshire 1450-1600 / The Agricultural History Review, 48 Part I2000
Ref - 12513Deborah YoungsServants and labourers on a late Medieval Demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520 / The Agricultural History Review, 47 Part II1999
Ref - 12511Nigel J SeeleyMagnesian and dolomitic lime mortars in building conservation / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 6 No. 22000
Ref - 12511Peter BrimblecombeAir pollution and architecture : past, present and future / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 6 No. 22000
Ref - 12511Jonathan Ball, Richard Laing and Maureen YoungStone cleaning : comparing perceptions with physical and financial implications / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 6 No. 22000
Ref - 12511Paul Vonberg and Mark HammondRepairs to the saloon roof at the Reform Club, London / Journal of Architectural Conservation, 6 : 22000
Ref - 1251Tony AldousHousing Associations ? a flexible approach to housing need / Housing Outlook : trends in housing and conservation, Three1977
Ref - 1251John YoungSir Ebenezer Howard and the garden cities / Housing Outlook : trends in housing and conservation, Three1977
Ref - 12503E W ColleyKerfing saw or saw for kerfing? / TATHS Newsletter, Spring : 682000
Ref - 12503Ken TurnerCrook from England turns up in Australia / TATHS Newsletter, Spring : 682000
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