Monographs, offprints & references
(24458 Records)

 Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year 
Ref - 24049Simon FrawleyThe use of lime at St Pancras Renaissance London Hotel and St Pancras Chambers Apartments : a case study / Building Limes Forum Journal, 192012
Ref - 24049Paul LiveseyBuilding limes in the United Kingdom / Building Limes Forum Journal, 192012
Ref - 24049Tim MeekHow to harl a building with lime / Building Limes Forum Journal, 192012
Ref - 24049Isobel Griffin, Andrew Hamilton, James TateThe repair of historic cement renders, with reference to the buildings at a Second World War airfield in East Lothian, Scotland / Building Limes Forum Journal, 192012
Ref - 24048Elphin WatkinHow many oak trees to build Bayleaf farmhouse? By Joe Thompson : report of meeting / Essex Historic Buildings Group News, July : 52016
Ref - 24044Jonathan TaylorThe taste for terracotta / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24044Jamie FairchildCleaning brickwork, faience and terracotta / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24044John FidlerConserving terracotta / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24044Adam Weismann and Katy BruceEarth plasters and how to use them / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24044Alison HenryThatching appeals : recent experiences / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24044Maria Yioutani-IacovidesVernacular earthen architecture / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24044Philip GachesUnderstanding lime plaster / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24044Kimberley ReczekRestoring the Nelson pediment's Coade stone / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24044Andrew BloodworthThe influence of geology on English brickmaking / Context, March : 1432016
Ref - 24042John RuddyScaffolding historic structures / Context, May : 1442015
Ref - 24042John RuddyScaffolding historic structures / Context, May : 1442015
Ref - 24041Adrian Attwood and Kimberley ReczekSgraffito conservation at the Henry Cole Wing of the Victoria and Albert Museum / Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings Transactions, 382015
Ref - 24041Stuart Tappin and David PlattsConservation of Tecton buildings at Dudley Zoo, West Midlands / Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings Transactions, 382015
Ref - 24041John RobertsonRestoration of Bush House and Melbourne House, Aldwych, London / Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings Transactions, 382015
Ref - 24041Sherry BatesPre- and post-industrial revolution building construction and conservation / Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings Transactions, 382015
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