Monographs, offprints & references
(24458 Records)

 Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year 
23242John VinceDiscovering windmills1984
23241John VinceDiscovering windmills1981
23240Rex WailesA source book of windmills and watermills1979
2324Twyfords LtdCatalogue of bathroom fixtures. No. 600 & price list
23239Suzanne BeedellWindmills1975
23238C P SkiltonBritish windmills and watermills1947
23237J Kenneth Major and Martin WattsVictorian and Edwardian windmills and watermills from old photographs1977
23236Philip G M DickinsonHoughton Mill1970
23235J Kenneth MajorThe mills of the Isle of Wight1970
23234edited by Gwen M ParryThe maid of the mill : Louie Jermy of Poppyland and her times : 1864-19341936
23233Peter HemmingWindmills in Sussex. A description of the construction and operation of windmills exemplified by up-to-date notes on the still existing windmills in S\\ 1936
2323Thames Bank (Blackfriars) Iron CoCatalogue (heating, domestic & sanitary engineers & ironfounders)
23227edited by Mark Gardiner and Christopher WhittickAccounts and records of the Manor of Mote in Iden 1442-1551, 16732011
23226Tom CladpoleTom Cladpole's journey to Lunnon : told by himself and written in pure Sussex doggerel
23225James Edwin Saunders; edited by W Ridley ChestertonThe reflections and rhymes of an old miller1938?
23224par Alphonse DaudetLettres de mon moulin
23223George WoodburyJohn Goffe's mill1949
23222John VinceMills and millwrighting1978
23221revised by Raymond MoxleyMitchell's elementary building construction1964
23220Alfred G GeesonBuilding science - materials - for students of architecture and building : Vol II1952
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