12479 | 12128 | Donald Smith | Last resting place for the gypsy caravan / This England, 15 : 4 | 1982 | E/33.25 | Smith, |
12480 | 12126 | Jocelyn Bailey | The wheelwright / This England, 10 : 3 | 1977 | E/33.23 | Bailey |
12481 | 12132 | Luis Marden | The craft of the cooper / Colonial Williamsburg, 12 : 2 | 1989 | E/33.21 | Marden |
12482 | 12133 | David Morgan Rees | 79 not out / Crafts, 57 | 1982 | E/33.17 | Rees, |
12483 | 12120 | Ben Darby | The Sussex trug makers / This England, 5 : 3 | 1972 | E/33.16 | Darby, |
12484 | 12117 | J Bowden | The last charcoal burner / The Sussex County Magazine, October | 1939 | E/33.18 | Bowden |
12485 | 12125 | Appropriate Technology | The TPI transportable metal charcoal kiln / Appropriate Technology, 9 No.4 | 1983 | E/33.18 | Approp |
12486 | 12131 | Roy A Harris and K R Duff | The hurdlemaker / This England, 5 : 1 | 1972 | E/33.11 | Harris |
12487 | 12130 | Peter J N Havins | Royal Mail coaches ended in blaze of glory / Sussex Life, 8 No.12 | 1972 | E/32.3 | Havins |
12489 | 13334 | Anthony Greenstreet | Dove coterie / Country Living, No.59 | 1990 | B/23.4 | Greens |
12490 | 13336 | Geoffrey N Wright | Old English barns / This England, 6 : 3 | 1973 | B/23.2 | Wright |
12491 | 13341 | Peter Moreton | Building technology : wood in action! / The Valuer, March | 1985 | B/05.2 | Moreto |
12492 | 12140 | ? | The history of spinning and weaving / unknown | ? | E/33.51 | Spin |
12493 | 5287 | ? | Fences. Section I : their varieties and general management / Estate Management | ? | E/17.7 | Estate |
12494 | 12134 | Frederick Tee | Hurdle-making | 1947? | E/33.11 | Tee, F |
12495 | 12165 | HMSO | Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (War Restrictions) Act, 1915 (Chapter 97) | 1915 | E/24 | HMSO |
12496 | 12164 | HMSO | Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1919 Chapter 7 | 1919 | E/24 | HMSO |
12497 | 12138 | D Pesch | Ironworking : early methods / Herdgussplatten (iron firebacks) Guide and papers No. 32 | 1982 | E/36.1 | Pesch, |
12498 | 8074 | Richard Newman and Jonathan Parkhouse | The public and the dig : the Cosmeston medieval village project / The Public and the Dig | 1986 | E/61.8 | Newman |
12499 | 6836 | E Nobbs | Make your own skep : and revive a lost art | ? | E/17.35 | Nobbs, |