Monographs, offprints & references
(24950 Records)

 ID   Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year   Shelf-Subject   Shelf-Name 
6863C Hayfield, T C M BrewsterCowlam deserted village : a case study of post-medieval village desertion / Post-Medieval Archaeology, 22 p211988
6864Ref - 5712C Hayfield, M BroughDewponds and pondmakers of the Yorkshire Wolds / Folk Life, 251987
6865Ref - 6304Lucy RichmondBreaking the code / SPAB News, 9 N21988
6867Ref - 6712Mack HeadleyChairbuilding / Historic Trades, I1988
6868P HeathRenovation case history No.76 : Old Hollow Cottage / Traditional Homes, Feb p171991
6871Ref - 5653J A HellenAgricultural innovation and detectable landscape margins : the case of wheelhouses in Northumberland / The Agricultural History Review, 20 Part II1972
6872Ref - 9516Rachel Hellier and Barbara HuttonA model farm at Scarthingwell near York in 1793 and in 1986 / The Agricultural History Review, 35 Part I1987
6875A HerbertRoofs of clay / Traditional Homes, Feb p101988
6876T HerbertHall of fame / Traditional Homes, Mar p271991
6877S Heriz-SmithThe Vietch Nurseries of Killerton and Exeter c.1780-1863 -2 / Garden History, 16 N2 p1611988
6878Ref - 2194Cecil A HewettTimber-building in Essex : some evidence for the possible origins of the lap-dovetail / Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 91961
6879C A HewettSongers, Cage Lane, Boxted, Essex / Medieval Archaeology, 17 p1311973
6880Ref - 4551Cecil A HewettA medieval timber kitchen at Little Braxted, Essex / Medieval Archaeology, XVII1973
6890Ref - 9499Geoffrey HewlettReconstructing a historical landscape from field and documentary evidence : Otford in Kent / The Agricultural History Review, 21 Part II1973
6898Ref - 9490David G HeyA dual economy in South Yorkshire / The Agricultural History Review, 17 Part II1969
6899Ref - 9348Jacques HeymanTechniques and materials : chronic defects in masonry vaults : Sabouret's cracks / Monumentum, 26 : 2 : June1983
6901Ref - 5221David HillThe Burghal Hidage : the establishment of a text / Medieval Archaeology, XIII1969
6902Ref - 11462Keith HillGlass tells. Part one / Period Homes, 6 N101985
6903Ref - 11463Keith & Judy HillGlass tells / Period Homes, 6 : November1985
6904R HillActon Scott Working Farm Museum / The Ark, 11 N12 p3951984
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