7620 | Ref - 6989 | Sonia Roberts | Out of the oak / Traditional Homes, 5 No.10 : July | 1989 | | |
7621 | | R Robertson Mackay | Recent excavations : Cluniac Priory Thetford / Medieval Archaeology, 1 p96 | 1957 | | |
7622 | | W & K Rodwell | Rivenhall / Current Archaeology, N36 p14 | 1973 | | |
7624 | Ref - 10258 | Sonia Rolt | Saving more than a view : Stanley Pontlarge / SPAB News, 8 : 1 | 1987 | | |
7625 | Ref - 9513 | T Rooth | Trade agreements and the evolution of British agricultural policy in the 1930s / The Agricultural History Review, 33 Part II | 1985 | | |
7626 | | C Rose | London's Charity Schools, 1690-1730 / History Today, 40 p17 | 1990 | | |
7627 | | T Rosoman | Field furniture / Traditional Homes, Feb p38 | 1985 | | |
7628 | | T Rosoman | Antique reflections / Traditional Homes, May p66 | 1986 | | |
7629 | Ref - 15592 | Mike Rossage | Coping with cornices / Traditional Homes, April : 2 : 7 | 1986 | | |
7630 | Ref - 9495 | John Rosselli | An Indian Governor in the Norfolk marshland : Lord William Bentinck as improver, 1809-27 / The Agricultural History Review, 19 Part I | 1971 | | |
7631 | Ref - 5820 | Anthony P Rossi | Contrasts and parallels : two conservation case studies : Greenhill and Thorpe Hall / Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 32 | 1988 | | |
7632 | Ref - 6712 | Andre Roubo | The carpenter's tap / Historic Trades, I | 1988 | | |
7633 | Ref - 522 | E Clive Rouse | The conservation of English wall paintings / Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 7 | 1959 | | |
7636 | Ref - 191 | D J Rowe | The Victoria tunnel / Industrial Archaeology, 7 : 1 | 1970 | | |
7637 | Ref - 9496 | D J Rowe | The Culleys, Northumberland farmers, 1767-1813 / The Agricultural History Review, 19 Part II | 1971 | | |
7638 | Ref - 9459 | John Rowe | A Cornish farmer in Ontario 1830-71 / The Agricultural History Review, I | 1953 | | |
7639 | | G Rubens | Art with craft / Traditional Homes, May p78 | 1986 | | |
7640 | Ref - 799 | George Rude | The study of eighteenth-century popular movements / Amateur Historian, 4 : 6 | 1959/60 | | |
7643 | Ref - 2368 | Joyce Rushen | Bee boles and a "Kingdom of Bees" / Period Home, 3 N1 p5 | 1982 | | |
7644 | | J Rushen | Amazing space! / Period Home, 5 N4 p38 | 1984 | | |