Monographs, offprints & references
(24950 Records)

 ID   Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year   Shelf-Subject   Shelf-Name 
7253Ref - 9506J M MartinMembers of Parliament and enclosure : a reconsideration / The Agricultural History Review, 27 Part II1979
7254J M MartinVillage traders & the emergence of the proleteriat in S.E. Warwickshire 1750-1851 / The Agricultural History Review, 32 N11 p171984
7255Ref - 9512J M MartinThe social and economic origins of the Vale of Evesham market gardening industry / The Agricultural History Review, 33 Part I1985
7256Ref - 6567M MartinStraw plaits to make hats / Countryman, 89 N41985
7257R MartinBrick slips in Sussex / British Brick Society Information, N52 p101991
7259Ref - 9512Mavis MateMedieval agrarian practices : the determining factors? / The Agricultural History Review, 33 Part I1985
7260Ref - 9491Leslie G MatthewsHarvesting by the Gauls : the forerunner of the combine harvester / The Agricultural History Review, 18 Part I1970
7262Ref - 2654Mrs MaunderAny more handle houses? / Heritage Outlook, 1 : 31981
7263Ref - 13903John MayesThe bodgers axe with a history / Tool and Trades History Society Newsletter, 291990
7264Ref - 5719N J MayhewMoney and prices in England from Henry II to Edward III / The Agricultural History Review, 35 Part II1987
7266I McCaigOld windows : saving the glass / Traditional Homes, Feb p581988
7275Ref - 2368John McCannAntique ironwork : the development of glass and wrought iron windows / Period Home, 3 N1 p131982
7276Ref - 10497John McCannDiscovering old water pumps / Period Home, 4 N3 p81983
7277J McCannNo. 2, Church Path, Wealdens Ambo, Essex / Historic Buildings in Essex, N1 p111984
7279Ref - 11455John McCannThe bread oven / Period Home, 6 : 31985
7281Ref - 8372John McCannAn historical enquiry into the design and use of dovecotes / Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 351991
7284T McConnellPloughs and ploughing / Journal of the Board of Agriculture, 10 N3 p2891903
7285Ref - 10258John McCormackOpen hall houses in Guernsey : new dating evidence / SPAB News, 8 : 11987
7286Ref - 932Michael McCormickDunster dovecote / Countryman, 57 : 21960
7289Ref - 6984Peter McFarlaneMason's square riddle : the plot thickens / SPAB News, 10 : 21989
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