Monographs, offprints & references
(24950 Records)

 ID   Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year   Shelf-Subject   Shelf-Name 
6438M DalrympleMahogany / Period Home, 3 N6 p171983
6440Ref - 931John DaltonPainters and place. 3 : John Constable (1776-1837) / Countryman, 57 No.11960
6441Ref - 2642Harry and Monica DanceManor Farm, Pulham Market, Norfolk / SPAB News, 2 : 31981
6442Ref - 6219Phillip DaniellBricks and canals / British Brick Society Information, 30 : May1983
6443R DanielsHartlepool / Current Archaeology, N104 p2731987
6444Ref - 9460H C DarbySome early ideas on the agricultural regions of England / The Agricultural History Review, II1954
6447J DaveyBarns into houses / Traditional Homes, Feb p541986
6449Ref - 9469Thomas DavidsonPlough rituals in England and Scotland / The Agricultural History Review, VII Part I1959
6451Ref - 9499C S L DaviesPeasant revolt in France and England : a comparison / The Agricultural History Review, 21 Part II1973
6456P DaviesNew life down on the farm / Period Home, 3 N6 p61983
6457Ref - 15975Roger DaviesAn instrument maker's anvil / Tool and Trades History Society Newsletter, 41984
6458Ref - 9499Wendy DaviesUnciae : land measurement in the Liber Landavensis / The Agricultural History Review, 21 Part II1973
6459Ref - 18760Robert DawnThe Bass Museum of Brewing / Industrial Archaeology, 12 N21977
6461Ref - 7185John DayAre you a stripper? / Basketmakers' Association Newsletter, 491989
6463Ref - 1017Barbara de SeysselThe art of scything / Countryman, 79 N31974
6464J DealCob & earth walls / Historic House, 12 N1 p201988
6466Ref - 7605J G DelaneyBrickmaking in Gillen / Folk Life, 28 p511990
6468Ref - 10505James DenleyIn lieu? life before the advent of the water closet / Period Homes, 7 : February1986
6470Ref - 941Stephen DewarThe oldest roads in Britain / Countryman, 59 N31962
6471Ref - 958Stephen DewarDown the Roman well / Countryman, 67 N21966/7
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