6303 | | J M Clifton | Listed buildings / Traditional Homes, Nov p125 | 1991 | | |
6304 | | A Clifton-Taylor | Houses of English stone / Period Home, 3 N3 p20 | 1983 | | |
6305 | Ref - 5658 | Juliet Clutton-Brock | George Garrard's livestock models / The Agricultural History Review, 24 Part I | 1976 | | |
6306 | Ref - 7880 | J G Coad | Hurst Castle : the evolution of a Tudor fortress 1790-1945 / Post-Medieval Archaeology, 19 | 1985 | | |
6311 | Ref - 10281 | David Collier | Historic farm buildings : asset or liability / Historic Farm Buildings Group Newsletter, 10 | 1990 | | |
6313 | Ref - 9486 | E J T Collins and E L Jones | Sectoral advance in English agriculture, 1850-80 / The Agricultural History Review, XV Part II | 1967 | | |
6322 | | S Colman | "Treasure Chest" : two fifteenth century carpenters make their wills / Period Home, 3 N3 p28 | 1983 | | |
6323 | | S Colman | "For Sale" or "To Be Lett" / Period Home, 5 N6 p42 | 1984 | | |
6325 | Ref - 5935 | Christina Colyer and Brian Gilmour | St. Paul-in-the-Bail Lincoln / Current Archaeology, 63 | 1978 | | |
6326 | Ref - 5654 | R J Colyer | Some Welsh breeds of cattle in the nineteenth century / The Agricultural History Review, 22 Part I | 1974 | | |
6328 | | M Connett | An artistic restoration / Traditional Homes, Dec p29 | 1990 | | |
6329 | | M Connett | A well-loved place / Traditional Homes, Jan p35 | 1991 | | |
6330 | | M Connett | A poet's retreat / Traditional Homes, Feb p35 | 1991 | | |
6331 | | I Constantinides, R Young | First hand experience with lime plastering / Period Home, 5 N10 p34 | 1984 | | |
6332 | Ref - 1030 | Anne Conway | Welsh slate / Countryman, 82 : 4 | 1977/8 | | |
6334 | Ref - 192 | A J Cooksey | The Wren & Hopkinson horizontal cross compound engine, c1870 / Industrial Archaeology, 7 : 2 | 1970 | | |
6335 | Ref - 188 | A J A Cooksey | Jennings South Western Pottery Parkstone : a preliminary survey report / Industrial Archaeology, 6 : 2 | 1969 | | |
6336 | Ref - 6459 | John Cooksey | Firebrick in the Black Country / British Brick Society Information Compilation, 1 | 1981 | | |
6337 | Ref - 5780 | Ivor Cookson | Crucks of old / Countryman, 89 N2 | 1984 | | |
6338 | Ref - 5612 | Paul Coones | Kensal Green Cemetery : London's first great extramural necropolis / Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 31 | 1987 | | |