6220 | Ref - 5661 | David Cannadine | The landowner as millionaire : the finances of the Dukes of Devonshire, c.1800-1926 / The Agricultural History Review, 25 Part II | 1977 | | |
6223 | Ref - 2529 | Timothy Cantell | The "eyes" have it! / Period Home, 3 : 2 | 1982 | | |
6224 | | A Capet | La varlope classique : the traditional French tryplane / Tools & Trades, 5 p53 | 1988 | | |
6225 | Ref - 5707 | Antoine Capet | Timbers used for the stocks of wooden planes / Tool & Trades History Society Journal, 1 | 1983 | | |
6226 | | R Capps | Timber framing repairs / SPAB News, 2 N2 p27 | 1981 | | |
6227 | Ref - 10250 | Jonathan Carey | Tuck pointing in practice / SPAB News, 6 : 1 : Jan | 1985 | | |
6228 | Ref - 9505 | W J Carlyle | The changing distribution of breeds of sheep in Scotland, 1795-1965 / The Agricultural History Review, 27 Part I | 1979 | | |
6238 | Ref - 5221 | Eleanora Carus-Wilson | Haberget : a medieval textile conundrum / Medieval Archaeology, XIII | 1969 | | |
6240 | | N Casseldine, L Hall | Woodchester Park / SPAB News, 4 N3 p39 | 1983 | | |
6244 | | R Catt | All tied up / Traditional Homes, Mar p106 | 1987 | | |
6245 | Ref - 15602 | Lyndon Cave and Peter Richards | Barn yardsticks ? some ways to achieve the best of conversions / Traditional Homes, May | 1988 | | |
6246 | | L F Cave | The restoration of Yew Tree Hall / Period Home, 6 N8 p35 | 1985 | | |
6249 | Ref - 1515 | Sonia E Chadwick | The Anglo Saxon cemetery at Finglesham, Kent : a reconsideration / Medieval Archaeology, II | 1958 | | |
6250 | Ref - 9475 | C W Chalklin | The rural economy of a Kentish Wealden parish 1650-1750 / The Agricultural History Review, X Part I | 1962 | | |
6254 | | W H Chalonner | Food & drink in British history : a biographical guide / Amateur Historian, 4 N8 p315 | 1960 | | |
6256 | Ref - 844 | Robin Chaplin | Discovering lost new towns of the 19th century : a forgotten phase of urban growth / Local Historian, 10 : 4 | 1972 | | |
6257 | | R Chaplin | Discovering lost ironworks / Local Historian, 9 N2 p82 | 1970 | | |
6259 | Ref - 5658 | John Chapman | Parliamentary enclosure in the Uplands : the case of the North York Moors / The Agricultural History Review, 24 Part I | 1976 | | |
6260 | Ref - 9504 | John Chapman | Some problems in the interpretation of Enclosure Awards / The Agricultural History Review, 26 Part II | 1978 | | |
6262 | Ref - 524 | F W B Charles | The Guesten Hall Roof, Worcester cathedral / Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society New Series, 18 | 1970 | | |