343 | 6158 | Sylvia Colman | A Wealden house at Ixworth, Suffolk / The Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, XXIX Part 3 | 1963 | B/22 | East A |
344 | 6159 | Sylvia Colman | Two small medieval houses : Walnut Tree Cottage, Wattisfield and Friars Hall, Rattlesden : the effects of modernisation / The Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, XXXI Part 1 | 1967 | B/22 | East A |
345 | 6157 | George and Sylvia Colman | A thirteenth century aisled house : Purton Green Farm, Stansfield, Suffolk / The Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, XXX Part 2 | 1965 | B/22 | East A |
346 | 6163 | Sylvia Colman | The timber-framed buildings of Ipswich : a preliminary report / East Anglian Archaeology Report, 3 | 1976 | B/01.3 | Colman |
347 | 6164 | Sylvia Colman | Eye vicarage : the documentation of a parsonage house / Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, XXXIV Part 1 | 1977 | B/22 | East A |
348 | 6165 | Sylvia Colman | Post medieval houses in Suffolk : some evidence from probate inventories and hearth tax returns / Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, 34 Part 3 | 1979 | B/02.1 | Colman |
349 | 6162 | Sylvia Colman and Stanley E West | Edgar's Farm, Stowmarket : a reappraisal / East Anglian Archaeology Report, 1 | 1975 | B/23.1 | Colman |
351 | 3663 | A J Campbell Cooper | Rooksnest, Lambourn Woodlands / Newbury District Field Club Transactions, 8 N3 | 1940 | B/22 | Wessex |
352 | 6031 | R A Cordingley and R B Wood-Jones | Chorley Hall, Cheshire / The Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society New Series, 7 | 1959 | B/22 | North |
354 | 2806 | R A Cordingley | British historical roof-types and their members : a classification / Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 9 | 1961 | B/05.61 | Cordin |
355 | 12083 | John Cormack | British Rail / The Valuer, 52 N6 | 1983 | B/25.1 | Cormac |
356 | 1149 | Barry Cunliffe | Excavations at Fishbourne, 1963 : third interim report / Antiquaries Journal, XLIV Part I | 1964 | E/61.6 | Cunlif |
358 | 12233 | C R J Currie | Timber supply & timber building in a Sussex parish / Vernacular Architecture, 14 | 1983 | B/05.2 | Currie |
359 | 3787 | C R J Currie | A Romanesque roof at Odda's Chapel, Deerhurst, Gloucestershire? / Antiquaries Journal, 63 | 1983 | B/05.61 | Currie |
360 | 6168 | C R J Currie | Scarf-joints in the North Berkshire and Oxford area / Oxoniensia, XXXVII | 1972 | B/05.2 | Currie |
362 | 12037 | Daily Telegraph | Moving old barns into the 1980s ? and some reasons for staying put / Daily Telegraph, 11th May | 1982 | B/23.6 | Daily |
366 | 5298 | Keith Darby | Thatch as a modern building material / Architects Journal, 36 V184 | 1986 | B/05.62 | Darby, |
367 | 2107 | Norman Davey | Building materials for the archaeologist : mortars / The Archaeological News Letter, ? | ? | B/05.7 | Davey, |
368 | 6000 | R G David | The ice-houses of Cumbria / Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society Transactions, 81 | 1981 | B/08.8 | David, |
369 | 6034 | R G David | An ice-house experiment / Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society Transactions, 82 | 1982 | B/08.8 | David, |