Monographs, offprints & references
(24950 Records)

 ID   Accn_Num   Statement of Responsibility   Title   Year   Shelf-Subject   Shelf-Name 
30861441edited by R GreenhalghThe building educator. Volume I1927B/05.0Greenh
30872537?Greensted church : a compact history of the world's oldest wooden church?B/26Essex/
30881556Albert H GregoryMid-Sussex through the ages?E/15Sussex
30893711D L GregoryJohn Abel of Sarnesfield, carpenter1980B/01.2Gregor
30904547West Sussex County CouncilShipley mill1966B/24.2Sussex
30927459Francis Grew and Margrethe de NeergaardShoes and pattens1988E/74Grew,
30937347A R GriffinThe collier1982E/36.3Griffi
30944024A R GriffinThe collier1982E/36.3Griffi
30957J D Griffith Davies and F R WortsEngland in the middle ages : its problems and legacies1928E/65.4Davies
3096978Edward C GriffithThe Hundred of Manhood and Selsey Tramway later known as the West Sussex Railway 1897-19351948E/35.6Griffi
30973Geofrey GrigsonEnglish villages in colour1958B/29Grigso
30984527edited by G GrigsonThe journals of George Sturt ("George Bourne") 1890-19021941E/66.0Bourne
30994924Leo Walmsley and H G StokesLancashire and Yorkshire1951E/15UK/Gri
31014925Sid Chaplin and H G StokesThe Lakes to Tyneside1951E/15UK/Gri
31024919Geoffrey Grigson and H G StokesWest country1951E/15UK/Gri
31034921R S R Fitter and H G StokesHome counties1951E/15Englan
31044923W G Hoskins and H G StokesEast Midlands and the Peak1951E/15UK/Gri
31054920Geoffrey GrigsonWessex1951E/15UK/Gri
31068243gathered by Daphne GrimmOld Surrey receipts & food for thought1991E/72.5Grimm,
31074201L V GrinsellStoney Littleton Long Barrow Somerset1973E/62.2Grinse
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